Satellite Galaxies

The reunion with his wives, which Varian envisioned to be sweet, ended up him getting lectured for three full hours.

"What? That woman is totally suspicious!"

"You trust a fortune teller in this day and age? Seriously!"

"Cryptic words? Bah! Those are copy-paste lines every fortune teller uses!"

Enigma and Sarah took turns, blasting him one after another. Apparently, Sia wanted to come out and give him an earful too.

But they strictly agreed to not transform as long as they're here. So, Varian was able to save a bit of his mind.

…Or not.

"Brother-in-law! How can you be so stupid?! Even children know not to trust these fortune tellers!"

When even the usually meek Sonya joined, Varian sighed in despair.

'A mysterious powerhouse who does some odd job. But he or she will utter some crytpic words. If you believe them, they'll help you.

Isn't this what happens everytime?