The Prince

All Mother Asherah's apparent past was normal. 

A genius who rose in the tribe from a prestigious clan, wedded to the brightest genius of her times—Keman Aurik.

Together, they were the couple that led their race to a brighter age, one where Genesis matched the power of Mors after a long time.

Asherah took up the job of strengthening the empire and went on creating races. Hundreds of races each with its uniqueness.

There were wars fought by these created races on the legitimacy of their lineage. They wanted to be the only ones laying claim to be her descendants.

Such was her influence. 

If Keman's authority evoked a mix of mystery and fear, hers was purely charisma and worship.

But the past was a little more complicated than that.

The price of creating all these races was not as simple as everyone thought. 

For the sake of big picture, Asherah made a quiet sacrifice that wasn't acknowledged by history.