
She stopped from fixing her hair when a figure approached her. He placed a bottle of water on the dresser table before sitting on the vacant chair beside her. She muttered a small thanks and took it to open. She had a long sip and this slightly smeared the lipstick she just applied on earlier. He grabbed the tissue box and gave it to her. 

The makeup artists and hairstylists walked in and greeted them. She just needs to get through this photoshoot with him and then, she will immediately go back home. A famous high-end brand asked them to be the models of their latest fashion trends. She can't say no to it because she found the clothes suitable to her tastes. Though she needs to endure working with him despite the thing that happened between them. 

He got his makeup finished quickly and then, he went out of the dressing room to start with his solo shots. She let out a relief sigh after that. She needs to get hold of herself. She is working and she should not let her emotions distract her. Her makeup artist asked her if she was nervous about the photoshoot and she just nodded while smiling. Indeed, she is nervous but not because of the photoshoot but because of the man she will work with. Another staff member went in and asked if they were already done preparing and then, they proceeded to the room. 

He watched her behind the screen. He was sitting in front of the huge computer screen where the taken photos were automatically getting added and somehow, he was feeling jealous that the cameras are making her smile but he can't even do it. He shifted his gaze and their eyes met. He was so desperate to touch her but remembering what he told her when they went to the skyscraper repeated in his mind. He just wanted to love her without having any guilty feelings but why can't he do it? Same questions, same miseries. 

"This is just for professional purposes." He whispered once he stood closer to her. She pressed her lips together and nodded. She doesn't need to utter any more words. 

The main photoshoot started. He snaked his arms around her waist, giving her a back hug while staring at the camera. Until now, she doesn't know why they keep on having them as model partners. Do they make a good pair? If they are, then why are they both suffering because of their family feuds? They were just young adults who wanted to be together with the people who they love. 

Once the entire photoshoot ended, she talked to the photographer for a bit and then, she proceeded back to the dressing room to change her clothes. Staying in the same place with him is suffocating her. She took her bag and thanked the staff members for their hard work. She went to the parking lot but someone pulled her to the side and her eyes widened when it was him. She struggled from his grip but he just held both of her wrists tightly. 

"Why are you doing this? Is hurting me not enough for you? Do you want me to hurt even more?" She asked, teary-eyed and heartbroken. He gently pushed her up against the wall and kissed her lips but she was so surprised when her hands automatically pushed him away and slapped his face hard. 

"Do you like seeing me breaking apart? Is this what you want? To crush me? To crush my heart into a million pieces? To take advantage of my weakness? Is this how you attack your enemy?" She quickly wiped her tears. She laughed as she thought how pathetic she looked in front of him. 

"If you can't fight for me, stop approaching me. I will also do the same." She added before going inside her car. She immediately drove away from that place and left him standing alone in the parking lot. 

"I love you, Lauren.." He mumbled. Why wasn't he able to say those words to her? He touched his cheek and gently rubbed it. He deserved that slap because he is a jerk. 

She went to the Fifth Princess' Mansion but when the head maid told her about the Fifth Princess' condition, she rushed into her room to see her. More tears fell, thinking why these things are happening to them. She sat on the floor and cried silently. There are lots of questions in her mind that only he can answer. 

"Gia, what should I do? I love him so much. I need him." She cried while asking those words to the sleeping Fifth Princess. The older one was having a high fever and she knew that she would not hear any answers from her. 

She continued to cry until she fell asleep. The door went open and he walked in quietly to carry her in his arms. Another figure stayed outside the room and he looked at him before nodding his head. He brought her to the other room and made sure that she would be able to have a proper rest. He gently caressed her hair before placing a kiss on her forehead. 

"I will fight for you, Lauren.. Please wait for me. You deserve everything and this world and I will give it to you." He whispered, reaching for her hand to place another kiss on it. 

The moment she opened her eyes, she realized that she was already in a different room. She sat up in the bed and tried to remember who brought her there. She was completely asleep at that time, so she had no idea. When she went out, she saw the Fourth Prince outside the Fifth Princess' bedroom and talking to the maid. She smiled faintly, thinking that it was him who brought her to the room. 

"Did you have a good sleep?" The younger one asked and she nodded. She looked at the older one who seemed to have her fever down. 

"She's no longer having a fever but once she wakes up, she will still need more rest. As for now, I'll drive you home. Are you hungry? Do you want to have dinner first before going home?" He asked and she just shook her head. She has no appetite to have dinner. 

"A drive is enough. Thank you, Icchan. Also, thank you for bringing me to the guest room." She said quietly and he just smiled at her.