
"Why are you doing this?" The Second Prince asked. She was dumbfounded when he threw a folder on her study table. She opened it and saw the advocacy she submitted to the Director last week. She formed a smile on her lips and closed the folder.

"I made it from scratch. Don't you like it? It is for Royal High." She answered as she gave back the documents to him. He crumpled everything with just a hand and threw it back to her. She clenched her fists tight while staring at him.

"Stop being a bullshit. You are no better than that girl who asked her father to beat me up just because I declined the arranged marriage." He said every word in such a cold voice. She stood up from her seat and slapped him hard.

"See? You also hurt me. You're the worst. Plagiarizing one of my friends' advocacy. Aren't you one of those low-lives? Pathetic. Just because you became Kazuma's friend, it doesn't mean you will be everyone's friend." He continued and she almost cried because of anger. She watched him leave her study room.

On the other hand, it was already midnight when the Third Prince stirred from his sleep. He found himself alone with the Ninth Princess inside the room and then, he brought her back to her bedroom before taking his laptop from his luggage. He copied the files she had for her advocacy and he started sending emails to his father's subsidiaries that would help them on building the small libraries she planned for it. He was the one who made the blueprint, so it was easy for him to send everything because he was the one who gave the consent to use it.

"Why are you not sleeping?" The Ninth Princess asked with her sleepy voice. She got up from the bed and then, she wrapped her arm around his shoulders as she took a glance on what he was doing.

"Just doing things." He mumbled and then, he gently pulled her to his lap. She hummed softly and hugged him before leaving a kiss on his cheek. He held her chin and then, he kissed her lips before continuing his work.

"You can do that tomorrow. Let's sleep for now." She murmured while burying her face on his shoulder. He kissed her crown and then, she fell asleep again after that. He chose to finish it first since he wanted to spend more time with her tomorrow.

It was already three in the morning when he finished. He brought her back to the bed and then, he kissed her lips softly. She hummed between the kisses and then, she finally woke up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. They had a quick one and when they reached the climax, she couldn't sleep anymore. He was still on top of her when he felt the urge to keep her awake until dawn.

"Is your room soundproof?" He asked and she nodded. He smirked and when she saw this, she pinched his cheeks gently. He whispered to her how much he loves her and she smiled sweetly. They don't really do it anywhere else except at the treehouse but this one is exceptional. She felt very comfortable that she was in one of her safe havens.

Hours had passed and the two princesses decided to sneak in. The Sixth Princess peeked from the outside and her eyes widened as she felt shy on what she saw inside. She closed the door and shook her head while looking at the Fifth Princess. The older one furrowed her brows and opened the door instead. She rolled her eyes and closed the door again. Clothes were scattered on the floor and the couple were asleep and naked under the sheets.

"So early in the morning and I will see them like that." She rolled her eyes once more and the Sixth Princess chuckled softly while walking back to the living room since the Eighth Prince was there to have breakfast with them.

"Itsuki is not yet doing it with you?" The younger one asked and she glared at her. The Sixth Princess continued to chuckle as they finally arrived at the living room. The Eighth Prince gave them a questioning look and she told him the thing.

"Maybe he is looking for the right time and moment for it. You two are engaged. You can do it more often when you get married." He said as he poured the warm tea in their cups. There were lots of simple yet light food served on the glass table and she took a small plate of freshly-cut fruits.

"I'm not expecting him to do it with me, especially when he went to that girl's side." She said as she took a sliced strawberry in her mouth. They noticed that she was not wearing any rings, so it made them confused since most of the engaged couples have engagement rings.

"He is not yet proposing to you?" The Sixth Princess asked and she shook her head. That was another thing that disappointed her. She knew that it was an arranged marriage but he asked for her hand when they decided to take another step in their lives.

"I don't think he loves me." She answered while looking down. The two went silent after that. They had breakfast in silence until the couple finally woke up and went to the living room to join them.

"How are you feeling now?" The Eighth Prince asked his twin brother and the younger one just smiled softly. She called the maid to ask for a glass of warm milk and then, she took one of the ham sandwiches from the plate.

"I don't think she is good for Riku." She suddenly said and they all nodded in agreement. She bit her lips gently, thinking what would happen when they finally launched the transferee student's advocacy.

"In every original, there is a cheap copycat." The Fifth Princess said and she stopped herself from smiling. Everyone in Royal High knows what she has been aiming for since she became the Ninth Princess. She became part of the library organization a few months after the announcement of the Top Ten Most Influential Students and now that someone is trying to destroy everything she worked hard for, she couldn't help but to think that it is the right time to use her power and authority.

"They already started to build the small libraries. I told them that they need to finish it within a week and then, we will go there to see the results." The Third Prince said and she just smiled at him.

"Let's see if she can keep up with her advocacy." She said in a soft voice but they could tell that there is more in that. He caressed her hair and then, he took his phone from his pocket to make a call.