
"Until when will you ignore me?" The First Prince asked the moment she arrived home. The Sixth Princess raised her brow when she saw him. She didn't invite him and yet, knowing the feud between the two families, he had the guts to go there.

"What are you doing here? You're not welcome here." Her voice was cold yet, there was a hint of concern because she didn't know what might happen to him. He was in her family's turf and she felt like keeping him there for too long will only bring conflicts.

"Your father welcomed me. He knows that we are dating." He said and her eyes widened. They heard footsteps approaching from behind, so she immediately shifted her gaze to the arriving figure and it was her grandfather. She started trembling, so she grabbed his arm and pulled him behind her.

She remembered how ruthless her grandfather was when he learned about the scene at the restaurant months ago. She was about to cry, feeling immensely nervous about what her grandfather would do to them. Her heart almost stopped but then, she received a folder from him. She hesitated to flip it but she got the courage to do so. She read every detail written on the document and then, she hugged her grandfather tightly while crying hard.

"We decided to stop the feud between our families for your happiness." The elder said and she cried harder. She couldn't believe that this was finally happening. She thought she would wait for another lifetime for them to be together officially.

"I still hate you." She turned to the First Prince while wiping her tears. The elder one left them alone for a while and then, the maids prepared snacks on the glass table. She stared at him while he was mumbling words to her. She nodded weakly and then, he hugged her gently. He explained to her why he decided to take the transferee student's side that time.

On the other hand, the Fifth Princess just arrived at the classroom. She ignored the other students who were gossiping about her breakup with the Fourth Prince and then, when she put her bag down on her desk, the Second Prince arrived. He greeted her good morning and she just smiled at him. She was still hoping that the Fourth Prince would try to get her back. She took her seat and then, a bouquet of white roses appeared in front of her. She looked at the person who was holding it and it was the Fourth Prince.

"Icchan.." Students gossiped about them more until the Second Prince decided to grab her wrist and pulled her away from the Fourth Prince. They heard gasps and she just looked away from the younger one.

"She's uncomfortable with what you are doing." The Second Prince said and everyone was just right there to witness what was about to happen. The Fifth Princess gently released her wrist from his grasp and she muttered a small thanks.

"It's my peace offering. I'm still her childhood best friend. There is nothing wrong in giving her gifts since I have been doing that for so many years." The Fourth Prince explained and she decided to accept the bouquet of white roses from him.

"Thank you, Icchan. I appreciate it." She smiled faintly before going back to her seat. The Second Prince stared blankly at them but he couldn't do anything about it since she accepted the roses from the younger one.

It was lunch break when he went to the rooftop. He heard footsteps approaching, so he turned to look at the person who just arrived. It was the transferee student. He felt indifferent yet he decided to shoo her away. He didn't want to see her around, so he decided to leave her alone but she grabbed his arm to stop him. He faced her and he just gave her a cold look. He didn't utter a word but she abruptly wrapped her arms around his neck to kiss him on the lips. He pushed her away, resulting in her falling to the ground.

"Are you crazy? Do you think I'm easy to get? Just because your family is more powerful than mine, it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. The powerful one is your family and not you as an individual." He finally snapped and then, he heard someone arriving. It was the Fifth Princess.

"What happened here, Riku?" The Fifth Princess asked as she helped the transferee student to stand up. Instead of hearing a thank you from her, she received a slap on the face instead. The younger one did it twice and the Second Prince immediately scooped her out from the transferee student's grasp.

"You're sick." He gritted his teeth while glaring at her. He carried the Fifth Princess in his arms while walking to the infirmary. She rested her head on his chest while staring at nowhere. She couldn't bear to cry anymore. She already shed too many tears a few days ago. She had no energy for it now.

"Where do you want to go?" He suddenly and she looked at him. They ignored everyone looking at them and she smiled softly. She closed her eyes and held tight on him. He held her closer and a puppy smile formed on his lips.

"Anywhere as long as I'm with you." She whispered and he decided to bring her to the seaside once again. It was their first time to ditch classes. He placed her down the passenger's seat and closed the door after fastening the seat belt on her.

It took them half an hour to arrive at their destination. She took her shoes and socks off and left her phone and wallet inside the car before running towards the water. He followed her and then, he carried her to the deeper part of the seaside. She stared into his eyes and he just kissed her lips. She accepted it with a smile and when they felt hungry, they went back to the seafood restaurant where they had dinner together last time.

"You are so unlucky when it comes to women." She said while peeling off the garlic buttered shrimps they ordered a few minutes ago. He laughed softly and placed down the crab sticks on her plate.

"Not really because I finally have you." She froze from her spot and her cheeks started to heat up. She stuffed his mouth with the peeled shrimps and she laughed when he saw his cheeks puffed with food.

"But I'm happy. I'm happy that I can smile despite the heartbreak I got from Itsuki." She added and he took a peeled shrimp to feed her. He stared at her and she asked him why he was suddenly staring.

"I'm willing to wait for you, Gia. No matter how many years it will be, I will keep on waiting for you." It was the second confession she received from him. Instead of feeling surprised, she just smiled at him and nodded her head.