Queenerra - Bitter memories

Queen's eyes had just closed, fatigue made her fall asleep. Suddenly she was dragged into the dream that haunted her so often. In that dream, Little Queen wept in the corner of the house shortly after the funeral of her parents ended.

Meanwhile, young lady who came to the house int the day that her parents passed away, called Aunt Clara walked approached her, and patted her on the shoulder. "Life is full of surprises sometimes. But trust me, auntie will take care of you like your mother took care of you." The woman in her early thirties said with a soft voice.

"Let's pack your things, sweetheart. We're going to get out of this house," said Clara

"But why do we have to go? This is my parent's house." asked little Queen.

Clara took a deep breath, her smile gently touching her eyes, though her heart was breaking into pieces, "Because there's nothing left for you here." The answer was broke Queenerra's heart.

Little Queen didn't understand what his aunt meant, she just nodded and took the small teddy bear in her room that looked old with age. Apparently, it was a teddy bear that had belonged to her mother as a child and was cared for until it became Queen's favorite toy when she was growing up.

On the way to Honduras, she heard Clara's lips speak on the phone, "I didn't think you could kill both of them, now this child is my burden." Aunt Clara protested while the two-tailed girl sat quietly hugging the teddy bear, remembering her mother's smile.

In her heart, she hoped that this was just a dream and when she woke up the next day, she would be able to see her mother again. But that's not the case. Even after a long and tiring journey, she fell asleep, and when she awoke she was in a strange house with strangers.

She lived at the house of Aunt Clara, a woman she had never met before. For little Queen, the family is consists of her mother and father and herself, no other. And as far as she knows, her father is a successful businessman, while her mother is a housewife. And they are living a happy family life. Until that day which devastating her life came. Their deaths were so sudden that little Queen lost her way. She doesn't know who to ask and where to complain to demand justice and find out the truth about what really happened.

After that day, life became more bitter and complicated that there was no time for Queen to remember her past anymore.

"Queen. . . Dear . . . . wake up." Suddenly, her mother's soft voice sounded, dragging Queen out of her long and tiring sleep, with sweat pouring down and a pale face Queenerra woke up. Her breath was still unstable.

"Mom. . ." Queen whispered softly while holding her chest. Even though decades have passed, Queen never forgets the gentle smile and voice of her mother who often appears in her dreams. The greeting she always heard every time she woke up when her mother was still alive.

The poor girl fell back down and snuggled into her arms, tears in her eyes regretting how bitter life she had to go without her parents again.

Several times Queen had suspected that Aunty Clara knew the reason behind the sudden death of her parents. But Queen didn't dare to find out any further. Moreover, Clara was the one who helped her and took care of her so she was still alive until this moment.

Not without reason. When she turned seven, on a rainy day, she had overheard a conversation between Aunt Clara and her husband, Marco. He didn't appear very often in that house. But that evening, he came with a little drunken.

"Clara!!" That man yelled. Heard that yelled, Clara suddenly pull little Queen and placed her inside of the cabinet. "Stay there," Clara whispered. "Whatever happened, never came out! Wait for me here," Clara said that then leave the little Gween.

"Marco, what are you doing here?" Asked Clara while approached that man.

"I come to my own house, why did you dare asked me like that?!" Marco yelled to Clara.

Marco pulled Clara in his arms and pulled the shirt Clara was wearing until it ripped. The man even tried to kiss Clara but Clara refused, she said, "You're drunk Marco!" Let me go." Clara tried to move but Marco tightened his arm and kissed her brutally, start from her lips, her neck until her breast skin. The woman clearly didn't want little Queen to see the violent sexual scenes that Marco had done to her.

"Let me go, don't you dare to touch me!" Reject Clara.

Marco released Clara by pushing the woman down on the chair, Marco then mumbled, "You want my money, but you don't want to serve me! You bitch!" Marco shouted.

"I don't know how many women you've slept with, why did you come back to me?" Clara answered boldly.

Marco came closer to him and slapped him, "Bitch!" Marco shouted. "Don't you dare question what I'm doing out there!" The man shouted again, and Clara chose silence.

Marco took a glass of mineral water and drank it. "Where're the girl?" he asked harshly. His eyes were running here and there looking for Queen's whereabouts.

"Don't touch her!" Clara mumbled.

"You love her like your own kids, hah?!" Marco yelled. Hearing those words, Clara's heart shook violently. How not, Marco was forced to fuck her violently in a drunken state until Clara's womb finally miscarried. And from that moment on, Clara felt disgusted with her husband.

"I'll protect her with my life." Said Clara. "Just go! Do what you want and never come back. I already had a big burden on my shoulder to be responsible for what you've done. How am I supposed to live with the lies you created?" Aunt Clara asked the man in front of her.

"I did it all for you. For your future!" Marco yelled again. "You always blame me and think I can't do anything right!!"

"You got me living in trouble. You made me have to take care of the girl, she was innocent. How am I supposed to tell her what really happened?" Aunt Clara held back her tears, while little Queen hid behind a cupboard near the kitchen.

"You spend your family's money on a spree. And you have the heart to kill your cousin and his wife to get his fortune, what kind of human are you?!" Upset Clara.

"Arrggghhh!!!" Marco turned angry, so angry until he hit the table hard and immediately strangled Clara until the woman had difficulty breathing. He even beat Clara blindly in front of Queen's little eyes peeking through the cracks.

The little girl hid her face not daring to see what was happening because when she opened her eyes, her aunt had fallen on the floor in a limp state. That was the last time she saw the man who was Clara's aunt's husband. The man disappeared without a trace and was never heard from.

From then on, Queen tried to believe everything his aunt said even though he remembered all the conversations clearly. Queen even harbors a suspicion that his father never went bankrupt, they died not by pure accident, but it was too painful for Queen that he forgot all about it and kept it all to herself.