
Queenerra - Under The Mask

Queenerra had just finished taking a bath, but Benjamin had not yet come home. Meanwhile, Emma had returned to the Pavilion because the task in the main house had been completed. Leaving Clara still reading a book in her room with her glasses. Clara is a woman who loves to read. She was born into a well-to-do family and she was quite educated in her time. Just because she went against her parents and married the wrong man, Clara's life ends up falling apart.

Meanwhile, her older brother, Queenerra's father, finished his education and joined his father's business from a young age so that his fate was much luckier. At least before Clara's husband had bad intentions to control all of Queenerra's father's property.

In fact, Clara often has trouble sleeping, but reading books will make it easier for her to fall asleep. Because of that almost every night Clara sat on her bed and read a book that she had probably reread hundreds or even thousands of times.