
Queenerra - Feeling like a loser

Arriving at the hospital the team of doctors immediately treated Angelique in the Emergency Unit. She was immediately given oxygen and intravenous fluids due to her weakness and lack of fluids. Even Angelique never woke up, so the team of doctors had to perform an MRI to find out what might be going on inside the woman's body.

Benjamin and Mary could not do much other than wait for the doctor's actions to save Angelique. Meanwhile, Benjamin keeps trying to contact Gertrude but still can't. He tried to find Gertrude through his acquaintances, but no one know that far.

An hour and a half of emergency measures were carried out until they finally decided to operate because it turned out that there was a blockage in Angelique's condition. The operation involved a very large risk, even death, they asked the family for approval, and Benjamin could not give it. He had to find Gertrude to ask him to decide whether or not to do that to his mother.