
Joseph Duncan - An Opportunity

For the last two days, Benjamin Duncan's house had been quiet. There was no warmth of laughter as usual. Benjamin had not even spoken to Queenerra for two days even though they were still sleeping in the same room. Everyone staying at home was even taken aback, this morning Benjamin gathered everyone in the house and said, "No one will ever contact that brat for any reason, not even you." Benjamin said as he looked at Queenera.

Everyone was stunned to hear that sentence as if Benjamin really felt so heartbroken since his son left him and chose to work as a lowly employee for someone else.

"Mario, you will come with me to the plantation," Benjamin said to the son of Emma and Pedro named Mario. He was still only nineteen years old, but Mario was an obedient child, he didn't argue in the slightest.

"Yes sir." The answer.