New Member Drake

After doing this I looked at the child in front of me and asked, "Hey kid what is your name"?

The little guy said in a shy voice," my name is Drake, I am 9 years and 11 months, my favorite thing is to learn and study books, but as I was an orphan I only got one book and I have learned a spell that is reduced version of the fireball. I don't have any favorite thing to eat, as anything that will fill my stomach will do with it, I also have learned a technique name escape techniques".

Hearing him introduce himself up to this level I was surprised and the more I heard him talk the more surprised I became. Then I looked at him and said," show me your fireball techniques".

Drake nodded his head and then began to make a fireball that appeared on his hand the size of a tennis ball. I nodded my head repeatedly and asked him to release the fireball on the wall.