Hidden Basement

After eating a good breakfast we prepared to rest. The Dark Guild hideout was a good place to rest. So, we decided to have a good rest today.

After resting for about five hours it was already afternoon, but we didn't know the time as we were inside the base, then I decided to have a look at the base of the dark guild.

I found Drake and said," Drake you have been here for some time, do you know any place where the base might hold the treasury, as the members of the Justice Force had their face black while they were leaving".

Drake laughed upon hearing me say so, he began to feel at ease and was not nervous as before. As Alan told him about the leader he always felt pressure as if the leader will ask him to do something and if he couldn't do it, he will be kicked from the guild.

Drake said," Big brother, I heard them say when they were keeping us inside the basement that there was a room hidden in the deepest part of the monster chamber".