Bonus chap. for reaching 100 collection.

We came inside the treasury, which was filled with gold coins, some equipment, and some potion. Looking at the scene I almost shouted out loud and said," Alan, Lucy, Lina keep all the gold coins later we will divide".

The gold coins were stored inside, it was almost two hundred thousand. Next to the equipment, I looked at I curiously and found most of them were purple grade equipment so I kept them inside the space bag and let them sell later, a small amount of money is also money.

The potion was some hp/mp potions and a few buff potions. Then after we collected all the things I remembered Richard's word that after destroying the boss lair, you will get a pet to revive crystal.

So next I asked about the location of the formation room, and the boss monster guided me towards the room.

The room was covered with runes, so I had to be careful and then I looked at Lucy and asked," Lucy do you know anything about the formation".