Date With Lucy

After that, I asked," Lucy if you're in your human form will other people know that you are a dragon".

Lucy looked at me and said, "if you had given me purple or orange monster core to upgrade me then they would, but now not as using the pink core not only my bloodline became purer but I also have become a top tier 2 monster", saying so she stopped and thought for a while and then continued, "Unless that person is a monster or his talent is sacred level and his level must be eighty and above".

Hearing Lucy's words I felt peace of mind as a high-level adventurer rarely came to the low-level base, so I thought for a while then I said," Lucy do you wanna go on a date with me".

Lucy looked at me curiously and asked," what is the date? Is it a treasure?", saying so her eyes became bright and were almost glowing. Seeing this I said," from the place I come from, there indeed the date means treasure, especially for a single person".