Learning Dragon Magic

After the receptionist went out I said," Lucy now I fulfilled your wish. Now it's your turn to rob".

Hearing my words Lucy said," why are you in such a hurry, now it's only afternoon, wait till night".

I listened to Lucy's words and thought they made sense. So I said," ok then let's eat, look at the menu and order the food".

Lucy said," Okay, let's try the most expensive food".

As I was looking at the menu, a dish caught my attention, so I ordered it. The name was goat monster barbecue. The cost was not mentioned, so I could only say," Lucy the price is not written on the menu only the dish name. Do you want any food to order, choose from here?".

Hearing my words Lucy looked at the menu and ordered," one fruit salad, one vegetable dish with some bread".

I looked at Lucy and asked," A dragon ordering the vegetarian dish, makes me feel a little weird". 

Then I asked," Are you sure you want to order this food?".