[Bonus chapter]Date With Lucy And Lina (R-18)

After breakfast, I thought I could enjoy myself for a few days but who knew Lina came the next day alone, and then I had to accompany her to date. As I had promised her so I had to fulfill it. Then I said, "Okay then let's go, I will take you to enjoy the best place in base 2".

Lina looked at me and said," Robin can you let Lucy accompany us, as I don't want to enjoy myself alone".

Hearing her words I was thinking in my heart, * don't other girls like to spend time alone with their lover but Lina is asking another girl to follow us", thought so I felt head pain. So I let go of the messy thought and decided to enjoy it.

Then I went to Richard and said," Mr. Richard I will not be in the guild for two days. By the third day, I will come back", saying so I went with Lina and Lucy on the date.

Although Richard wanted to ask very much. In the end, he shook his head and didn't say and closed his door.