Gravity// Bad Luck Duo

After eating the food I said," tomorrow onwards we need to work harder until the first group of people Lina, Alan, Drake, Olivia, and Ava adapt to twenty times the gravity while the second group of people Karina, Karin, Saber, Mia, and Alice had reached adapted to ten times gravity. Mia and Alice as you both have already adapted to twenty times the gravity. Next, you need to adapt to twenty-five or more times".

And then I also set my target to thirty-five times as in this one month after training day and night my body had adapted to thirty times the gravity.

Then we took the rest and the next day everyone was enthusiastic as they knew the horror of training under gravity would increase your physical body as well as your mana is more refined and consumes less mana to cast a spell and do more damage to the target and also it increases the speed of the body.