Talk/Nadrirsk Family

Somewhere in base 5 inside a room, a few people were sitting and chatting about something.

Albin a level 130 warrior said to the thin man sitting next to him whose name was Cedric," are you sure that principal wants to make these guys students of our school".

Cedric the level 135 assassin said," it's an order from the principal. And we can't ignore it. You know that man has a grumpy temper".

Yola a female mage of level 140 had cast a fireball towards the assassin Cedric and said," if you dare say anything bad about my grandfather then next time it would not be a simple fireball".

Cedric just nodded his head helplessly after avoiding the fireball and then he said," what if those guys your grandfather is recruiting will not join our school. Then what shall we do?".