Status/ Red Grade Equipment

Nadia said," master there is one difference, that is the monster here are divided into different classes. They are normal, elite and master class.

The difference is that elite monsters have 50% increased health and combat power to that of normal grade while master grade has 100% increased health and combat power. These monsters also have an area of effect (aoe) skill. So we need to be careful of those monsters", saying so she stopped and asked," master how many monsters shall we face the first time".

I looked at her and said," only five monsters. Let's fight them and test our combat strength first. After that let's fight a single elite monster and then I will decide what monster to fight against".

Listening to my words Nadia nodded her head and then we also used our experience scrolls and my experience had reached an extra 800% experience. As six girls gave six hundred and two hundred due to my passive skill.