Pixes And Thea (R-18)

One month after training our level had reached level 160 and it made me feel that I needed some girls to help or else the levelling speed would slow down. So I said," let's return to the castle".

Kayla said," finally we can rest for some time".

Karina added," I can't wait to take bath".

Ariadoa said," Robin our levelling speed has slowed down".

I looked at her and replied," don't worry, I am thinking about the solution".

Mia said," Robin wouldn't it be better if we let Freya sister help us".

I said," first let me look at the situation and then talk about it".

Other girls then followed me out of the dungeon.

Then we went inside the castle. 

Seeing our return Freya and the other pixes rushed toward us.

Then I asked," how are the guys I left in your care".

Fiona responded," They are alive and well but these people have the lowest rank in the ancient family. So master I couldn't find more information from them".