
After a while, I walked toward the room where Lina, Amelia, and the other girls were being kept.

As soon as I was going to knock on the door, Lucy came out of the room and seeing me she said," master why are you here?".

My face twitched and then I replied," it's my castle, can't I be here", saying so I stopped and then asked," by the way where is your mother?".

Lucy blushed and she replied," she is still sleeping".

I nodded my head and then said," don't wake her up. Let her sleep for a few more days".

Lucy looked at me blankly and then I explained," she might be mentally exhausted. You also know I had not made love with her", saying so I gave her a meaningful glance.

While Lucy nodded her head and said," okay master, I will not wake up mother. But you must accompany me".

I said," okay if I have time", saying so I shooed her away.