Zeon Planet

Robin had a smile on his face as he was excited to get recognition from his father. As he didn't spend any time with his parents. One was already dead while the other remained in seclusion healing his injury.

So he was so excited that he couldn't feel asleep. But he suddenly was touched by a warm hand and slowly he heard his father's words," Robin good children sleep early".

Robin wanted to say," but it's still evening", but he couldn't and he was already sleeping.

The Damen took a deep breath and began to channel his energy and began to engrave an inscription. 

Two days passed by and finally, he completed the inscription. Then he sealed it inside his body.

After doing so he looked at his father and said," dad I am going to merge with this world today".

The old man held the tear in his eyes and said," Okay son. I was proud to have you as my son".