Invasion of Dark Universe/ Final chapter

Half an hour later.

In a luxurious mansion.

I saw a man and two women. All of them looked young.

Then Fred introduced," Robin, this is your grandfather, Skylar. Next to him is your grandmother Zora and the red hair is my wife, Mikaela".

I greeted them with a smile and said," hello grandpa, grandma, and aunt".

Skylar and Zora hugged Robin and said," we are sorry child. We weren't there for you when you were young".

I replied," it's okay".

Then Mikaela asked with a curious expression," Robin who are these girls behind you?".

I smiled shyly and replied," they are all my lovers".

Mikaela giggled and then asked," are you planning to marry them all together".

I nodded my head and replied," yes".

Then I looked at my grandmother and grandfather and saw their realm was also in the ruler realm.

Seeing this I took out a few more red-grade God crystals and said," Grandpa and Grandma, here take the gift".