Chapter 2- I’m a fool

Sara came inside her home after office party, as she stepped in, someone knocked the door. She thought it might be Rina and opened it . For her surprise it was Arjun. "Hi Sara , Can I come in ?" Sara was shocked to see Arjun by that time. As he entered the room he pushed Sara towards wall and he started kissing, Sara was perplexed with his move but slowly she started responding. His intenseness was driving her crazy . Arjun lifted her and moved towards bed, looking deeply into her eyes he said " I love you, Sara . Your drive me crazy. All these days I was waiting for you come to me and now I cant wait anymore" both fell on bed and kissing again he unzipped her dress and slide down. His fingers were exploring her bare body, she got aroused by his tender touch and wanted more and more. She unbutton his shirt . By then she was awakened by her alarm. Sara opened her eyes to see if Arjun was by her side but unfortunately it was dreams. She was happy with her exotic dream and thought it might be a positive sign for her proposal plan.

Finally, it was the weekend, a much-awaited day. Sara made all preparation and Rina helped her with makeup and hairstyle, she wore white party wear and got dressed up for the first time. Looking at the mirror Rina said, "You look, gorgeous babe". Sara was happy with the comment, even she felt that charm and confidence in her.

The party was in the banquet hall; everyone was looked elegant. The hall was lighted in black and red colour; it was a mask theme. The music was loud since everyone was in a mask it was difficult to recognize, Sara was lucky enough to see a few of her colleagues and went near them. Everyone was surprised to see Sara attending the office party and they praised her for her new look, she felt happy and shy. Sara's eyes were searching Arjun, as she wanted to convey her feelings to him.

After few minutes she saw him standing at the right corner table. Like always Arjun looked handsome in a Black blazer, denim pants, and white T-shirt. She also noticed a girl sitting very close to him. She felt a wrench in her stomach, but she remembered Arjun telling her that he doesn't have a girlfriend, she thought that girl might be his friend. But later, she noticed him smiling flirtatiously with her. She felt hurt.

Sara's colleagues started giggling looking at Arjun and the other girl. one girl said "hey do you know Arjun and Anvitha started dating, I saw them in VR mall last weekend" and the other girl said, "I heard he broke up with his ex-girlfriend recently and now he is with Anvitha, Lucky guy". Listening to all those talks Sara felt awkward and it was hard for her to believe because she trusted Arjun. She excused herself from those girls and came out of the hall to get some fresh air. It was dark outside. She picked up her phone to call Rina, at that point she noticed a couple kissing in the Smoke zone. Looking at the guy's blazer in dim street light she recognized it was Arjun and Anvitha.

­­­­­­Sara felt shattered at that moment, she broke into tears, all she could do was just move from that place without getting noticed. Rina was shocked to see Sara's devastating condition and she understood something was wrong and the reason was Arjun. She did not ask anything about the party left Sara alone.

Sara locked herself in the room for the whole day crying and blaming herself for all this foolish feeling. She knew it was not Arjun's fault because she never expressed her feelings to him. Once again she was in a miserable condition and this time it was all her fault. That night she was scared to sleep because of her hallucination habit and she got to know all these dreams were only imaginary and she was fooling herself living in a false world. So she decided to share her bed with Rina, both girls spoke about college stories and Rina's love stories for the whole night until they fell asleep. This continued for the next few days. At the office, Sara tried to behave normally in front of Arjun and she avoided going for breaks with him.

Sara was depressed at night. She couldn't control her dreams about Arjun and She knew that these dreams were damaging her but it was difficult for her to avoid them as she was addicted to those dreams. She started hating herself. Looking at Sara's condition Rina felt bad and she decided to take her out on a small trip to Pondicherry. Unwilling Sara agreed, even she wanted to come out of this miserable condition.

Rina had arranged everything and both girls reached Pondicherry. They stayed in Akul's house. Rina was Akul were childhood friends and she shared everything with him and even their families were close. Knowing Sara's condition Akul created a comfortable environment at home. All three went to the beach and played. Sara felt a bit relaxed due to the change of ambiance. At night Akul arranged a beach party, bonfires, and music, all three played some games and boozed. The next day morning Akul and Sara went on a morning walk near the beach, by now they had both became good friends and Sara felt comfortable talking to him. Akul was an optimistic person and he always motivates others to be positive. By all his talks Sara felt motivated and he also showed few videos related to self-motivation and confidence. Sara was quite impressed by that.

After coming from Pondicherry Sara felt more relaxed and wanted to change herself into a new person. She started spending her nights watching motivational videos and talks. Slowly she was gaining confidence. Rina was happy to see changes in Sara and she also encouraged her in all ways. Even at the office Sara's manager noticed changes in her attitude and encouraged her for new projects.

One day while scrolling some pages Sara saw a video related to Mt Everest trekking. Trekking in the Himalayan ranges was one of her long-time wishes, which she couldn't accomplish. But now she was different. That night Sara told Rina "I'm planning to go on Himalayan trekking. But I don't have any idea about that. Can you please help me with arrangements?" Rina was working in the tourism industry, her networking skills were good, So Sara had that confidence that Rina can help her. Rina was pleased with Sara's decision and she agreed to help her. Next few days Sara started workout to build her strength and collected all the trekking information. Rina also gave her a list of trekking team contacts and details.