Chapter 19

"So, if I give myself to you. You'll give where abouts of the plug." "It's that easy. Besides its just two people trying to relief themselves."

Of you would say that. Your exactly like Tise said. "Ok." "Brilliant." "Allow me to get low candy. You know just in case we." Low candy. Its stops the women from having children during intercourse. Of course, I not going to sleep with.

I tap my finger on the top of his head. "Unknown branch." A light flicker turning the gnome into mindless puppet. My knowledge is not the only thing that's coming back to me. Its feels weird to just know how to things I never done. But it feels a part of me.

I just wish my memoires would come to me. "Now. Tell the name of the plug and his where abouts." "...His name is Ronald. He is at the port. Look for the black ribbon with the letter a." Kind of simple. But I guess I have a lead now.

"Lady Alie." 

"Tise. Ah." "I was worried about you being alone in here with that trash, so I came to check on you. Seems your fine though. And..." She stares at the gnome. "Guess Jady was careless. Also, very impressive magic."

"Jady?" "It's his name. Very well known as Jady the devour of girls. It's exactly as his name in tails." Tise seems more entrance by the magic than Jady. She seems to be drawn to it. "You know magic.... light magic."

"Light magic. Yes, I do. Haha. Impressive right." "Indeed. Where you a part of the church? Where you a healer?" 

What should I say? Would Tise care who I am? " parents were though. But they left a long time ago. They wanted me to protect myself, so they taught me magic." "...I see. They never told you the laws of light magic?"


"We have a job. Alie. But just in case. Don't cast light magic in public and never cast it in front of the clergy. They will not take kindly to it."

She looks serious. "Right...I got it." 

"Now what do we do with him." "I have an idea."

out of nowhere strange sound is echoed in the tent. Tise follows the sound in the back. "It's the Cetus." It was in its tank wailing around uncontrollably. The sounds that it would make where not very nice to hear.

"Your all alone now little one." Its stares into me. Begging me to let it out. "All right. Let's get you back to the sea." 

The magic had worn off on Jady after we left. When realized he was walking around with no lower pants with goat tied to his waist. Most people would think he was having intercourse with it. With the way he is position.

"No! What the hell! Where is that cunt!" The goat is startled by his shouts and runs forward. Jady falls forward on the goat. "You are fucking dead human! I will break your entire body!"

Meanwhile Tise and I went to secluded right under the port. "All right little one. Here you go." Tise had trapped the Cetus with a watered sphere. It splashes around the water. 

"Heh. How cute." 

"We should get going now. We need to get this done today." "Goodbye little one." The Cetus rises from the water. It started with reluctance. As if wanting to not go with us. It emits a small amount of mana into the sky and swims away into the ocean.

"So, we know we know the plug. How do you suppose we approach this." "It's simply. Right now, you need to go to the princess and let her know of the location. Make sure to be ready and try not to look so suspicious."

"How will we know if you're in trouble?" "I will give a signal."

"I will go than. Stay safe and take this with you." The dagger was small but very easy to hide. "I suggest hiding it in your breast." 


"It has a sheathe and straps. It won't cut you." "Right." I do as I was told. It fells strange." Tise notices my embarrassment. "You're too innocent for you own good. Lady Alie." " I guess."

"It's not a compliment. It's something that isn't good for you in your position. Especially as a woman. Take my advice. You must become steel and fire. So, no one will ever step over you or crush your resolve."

It's not like I don't understand. It's hard to change. But it this situation I must become a different person in order to survive. "I understand." 

"I hope so. I will go now. Be careful." "I'll leave a trail of my mana. You should be able to see mana right." "Of course. We elves are connected to light magic after all." I thought elves were more connected to nature and forest magic.

"You should use that spell to control this man named Ronald. It could be a lot easier." "It's not that kind of spell. It's can only control his mind and embolize the body." "I see." "Go We have no time to spare talking."

We parted ways now I go to the place. Look for the black flag with the letter a. The sun was going down now. Turning the sky orange. There are many people on the port now. Businessmen and peasants a like. To many people to find what I'm looking for.

"This might take a while. I guess this is good." It's should give time for Tise and the knights to get here. A sudden energy passed me as I continued to walk again. I was unsure what or who it was that gave of such aura.

"The creed will watch over you. Lady Alie." The unknown person had appeared behind me wearing a mask of a terrifying design. But he was gone. "The creed?" Someone else is here in the city. Looking ahead near the last dock. Was a black flag with the letter a.

" I just hope they find me soon." A man approached me since he notices me walking toward the boat. "State your business miss or piss off." 

"Very rude of you to be like this toward a customer. Sir Ronald."

"...Your here to buy right?" "You're the one I was told to see." "Hm and who was the one that pointed you to me?" 

"Does it matter. I'm here to buy. If you need proof. Here." He didn't seem surprised by my rubies. He was convinced that I was here to buy. "All right. I will show you inside. Sir Yvetta is inside." We make our way inside.

It was exactly like a merchant ship. Filled with valuables trinkets and food. Her highness was right. It will no doubt help us. "Sir. We have a buyer."

"Is that so." He turns to look at me. "Hm." He stands to welcome me. "Welcome lady." "Greetings." "So... your here to buy am I corrected."


"Well. I don't mind taking your payment. But I am curious as to why come to me?" "It's obvious. There are very few people who someone that has slaves. Jady was the only person who was able to point me here."

"Jady? You must have paid a price to get information." "Indeed. And I hate to leave with getting what I want."

"...Very well. I will let you know that you did not come here in vain. Ronald would please." "Yes sir." 

Where is he going?" "To get what you need. He will bring them here. For now, look around. see if there is anything else you want to buy."

"Thank you." "But do be careful. My knights are watching. Don't try to steal anything please." "I won't." 


The knights had the black ribbon around their chest plates. What does it mean. "...sign..." But there is a lot of stuff in here. A lot from foreign countries. 

Screams were heard down the hall. Ronalds and his knights dragged in five beast-men in the area. "Ah. Thank you, Ronald."

"Of course, sir." "Well than madam, choose of your picking." Their wrist and ankles are swollen. The strength is sealed as well. 

"...If they are not to your liking, would you like to see the rest?" "Yes. These are nothing but children. I need more grown ones."

"Of course. Shall we go." They kept them at the bottom of the boat. Made cells that only allow them to lay down with no light coming through. Stay composed. They had used graphic mana stones to show their faces. To see which one caught my eye.

"Hm." But there was one at the end chained up. His head was locked in large steel helmet. The sound of a humming sound was, and heat emitted from the open-air pockets on the helmet. He looked like he belonged in hell.

"What about that one." "Ah. I am sorry but he is not some you could probably afford. "Why is that?" "He is of rare type. So rare that he actually might be the last of his kind. And the most dangerous of the beast-men."

"I see." I should choose one now. So, I can leave and give out a signal. Hopefully they have made it on time. 

"There so many choices." "Take your time. There not going anywhere any time soon." Ronald calls out to Yvetta. "Sir. They have shown up again." "Damn it. Why now of all times." 

"Something wrong?" "Oh, it's nothing Lady. Just some clients. Please take your time. Let my guards know when you have decided and give the payment to Ronald. He will be right outside my main doors."

"Please. Go ahead." He's gone now and so is Ronald. There are only two knights at the entrance of this area and the rest at the top. This should be easy now.

"Hey you two! I have decided on what I want!" "Which one?" 

"That one." They open the cage. Inside was a young naked girl. Scared. She squinted her eyes at the lights. "All right misses. We will get her pre-."

"Unkown branch." They had fallen subconsciously fallen. "Now." The little hisses at me trying to curl up. "...Its ok. Relax. This will all be over soon. Just hang in there.

"Ahh...Hahhh." She must be from the fort too. I step into the cage. She starts to panic when I got closer to her. "It's ok. Relax. Just let me help you sleep." She reluctantly lets me touch her head. My magic had put her to sleep for now.

"Stay here. Things are about to get chaotic."

My mana is lower than I thought. Ivalyo is far away now. I expected this would happen. I hope I have enough mana. I tried to turn into my smaller self. But because of the link with me and Ivalyo. He carries most of my magic and because were not stronger enough to extend the link between us.

I can still turn invisible. But it looks like I can't pass through walls. Meaning they can hear me and everything I touch. I have to stay vigilant.

I make my way to the top of the ship. I had to tippy toe my way over there. I left my cape with the girl. She should be warm now.

I was able to get to the top. All right! The main doors had opened. I gasp and hide behind some crates. "Your commander is asking too much of me."

"Sir Kane has given you and your merchant friends an opportunity. You would be wise to accept it. Or you'll ended dead along sides this kingdoms people."

"I am but a simple merchant. I have no quarrel with his imperial highness of the empire or with Isabella."

"Then just the other option. Leave." Damn it. There still profit to be made here. I can't leave yet. The princess needs my help. But if I don't get an answer from her soon. I'll be killed by these bunch.

"We can still come to an agreement yes." "Depends on you. You are not an enemy yet. Because sir Kane sees you as an edge over our enemies. So... wait."

The man pulls over his hood. he was young man with darker complexion with yellow eyes. "Come on lady. I can smell you.

He can smell me!? "Fine then." He brings out his gauntlets of black steel. "Sortie!" His attack have me more than a reason to move. I was still invisible. So, they could not see me. "What are you doing! Those are my products!"

"I can feel it. I can smell it." He glances in my direction and lunges at me attacking me. He grabs me by neck holding me tightly. "There you are." 

Guess this is the right time now. I let all my magic release from my body emitting a light for half a minute. Tise and the knights were nearby ready to attack. And so, they did so. The imperial knight attempts to crush my neck.

"Oh. Well, this is a surprise. What a pretty face that has now purpose in a battle. Tell me? How do you want to die." Laney appears like lightning attacking the imperial with a side strike of his sword. But he was able to block it with his gauntlets.


"Sorry I was late. Lady Alie." "Of...course not...I was fine until now." 

"Laney the lightning sparrow." "You know me?"

"How can I not. You're the one who took down the lightning dog of Estin hills. The one who took down a god. But I believe it's a hogwash."

"You should know when to differentiate truth from fiction. You'll die if you don't." I say that but I don't know if I can beat him.

"You're a threat to us and to Sir Kane. Just like that princess. I will eliminate you here and now." He fists bumps his gauntlets. while Laney gets in his sword stance.

"Leave this to Alie." "Be careful."

"Trust me. I have much to live for." I run off while I can since they could not see me. Yvetta and Ronald head back inside trying to take what they need to run and then jump into the boat that is hanging from the back of boats for escapes.

"So imperial. Give me your best shot I haven't fought a high-ranking knight like you before. Let's see who can kill which."