Chapter Nine: Call me your murderer

" My daughter stays here, do your worst!" Marco yelled with his handsome face darkening with anger and all the calmness he had before was now gone and replaced with maddening rage. Creditor or not, Jerome had no right to treat his daughter like that. How dare him touch his baby girl like that in front of him?! There was a now standstill as both men who stood there furiously glaring at each and the atmosphere of the room soon became very tense. Andrea felt shivers ran through her body as her eyes looked from man to the other, praying that they wouldn't bite their heads off. Why was this Jerome person causing a scene? What did he even want from her?

Matteo who was standing behind Jerome lifted his shirt a little and reached for his gun that was securely place around his waist.

Andrea's face became as paled as a ghost's when she saw the shinny metallic lethal weapon and her eyes instantly flew to her father, who actually looked unfazed by the sight of the gun.

Marco also reached for his waist and grabbed hold of his gun, ready to pull it out at anytime. Andrea's face was now drained of all it's colour, feeling her soul left her body when she saw two angry men about to pull out their guns to shoot each other and it was all because of her. Then she turned to Jerome and saw that the bastard had an annoying smirk on his face. It like he wanted this to happen, it was his plan all along! That snake! But the question was what is he hoping to achieve?

She was about to say something to break the tension in the room and prevent the show down that was about to happen when the annoying man named Jerome Montenegro beat her to it.

" Everyone is so eager to pull out a gun these days, don't any of you know lives are very expensive? And Matteo, put that gun away! You know I have a rule about killing people in the morning" He pause and looked at Marco then turned to Andrea "But on second thought, I guess I might actually have to bend my own rules for a change if some people keep acting stubborn." He said looking straight at Andrea who was still standing behind her father. Andrea frowned at his words, she wasn't a fool not to hear the clear threat in what he just said.

" You brat! How dare you try to threaten me?!" Marco hissed and pulled out his gun then pointed it a Jerome who stared at the gun with an uninterested expression like he was being threatened by a pencil and not a gun.

" It's not really a threat if you really look at it, just consider it as me predicting the future." He said with a calm voice then flashed a dark sinister smile and Andrea could swear that she almost mistook Jerome for the grim reaper.

" What are you now? A fortune teller?" Marco asked in a mocking tone.

" I can be whatever your daughter wants me to be, isn't that right sweetheart?" Jerome answered without even looking at him and just kept staring at Andrea who was still glaring daggers at him.

" Don't you dare call me sweetheart!" She yelled while still viciously glaring at him.

"We would be married soon, surely you don't expect me to call you by your name. Okay fine, what do you want me to call you then?" Jerome asked with a playful smirk on his lips that actually made him look

Andrea internally scolded herself for thinking of it. No! He was an annoying and dangerous freak who wanted to forcefully snatch her away, why would she think he was hot?

Whatever! He could be scalding larva for all she cares but there's no way she would agree to go with him.

" Call me your murderer because that's what I'm gonna be if you don't stop this madness." She spat out like a venomous snake, making Jerome to grin like a maniac.

" Kitty got claws, I wouldn't have guessed. You know, we are kinda similar, we both don't look like what we truly are." He said and she frowned in confusion, what did he even mean by that?

Jerome saw her confused look and smiled at her before saying; " I have some business to attend to now for now so take care of your father and make sure he doesn't gets into trouble with the wrong people because having me to deal with is already a lot of work I'm sure. See you tomorrow, wife." He said, emphasizing the word 'wife' in his sentence before turning and walking out the front door. Matteo followed behind him to the door but stopped to look at Andrea before averting his gaze from her and walked out of the door to his boss.

When Andrea saw the two annoying men were gone, she hugged her father and by the time she pulled out of the hug, the first thing that came out of her mouth was; " Dad, where did you get a gun?"

Out of all the things she could have possibly asked, like seriously, what happened to how do you know those lunatics? Or even, is he really gonna try to take me away? but no! The first thing she thought of was the gun and Marco struggled to answer the question. How could he tell his daughter that he had a gun for protection because of the kind of people he kept around him? She would freak out for sure, so he decided to ignore the question.

When Andrea saw that he wasn't going to answer that question, she chose to ask another one.

" Where are the twins?" She asked as she hadn't seen them all morning and they didn't even come out despite all the ruckus that deranged bastard caused. Then she gasped when a thought came to her, what if that annoying man did something to them? Was he that evil that he could even hurt children?

" Don't worry, they are at the neighbors house, I sent them there so I could pack up their things." Marco answered quickly as he knew his daughter's wonderful mind was already cooking up something utterly ridiculous.