Chapter Twelve: Are those real?

" Do I make myself clear?" Jerome asked with a calm voice as his fingers caressed her covered legs. He moved his fingers higher and ran them through her thighs without breaking eye contact with her. She saw him move his fingers to her hip and drew weird shapes on it. He still had that sensual smirk on his face as he gazed down at her body and his fingers caressing her tenderly, sending shivers down her spine. Jerome stared into her eyes, in her soul, like he was searching for something. Something she didn't know about.

Andrea felt her breath hitched and her heartbeat became faster than usual.

" You are so fucking beautiful."Jerome said with his deep sexy voice echoing in her ears as his wicked fingers moved over her hips to her most delicate of parts but before he could even do as much as touching it, she grabbed his hand and shoved it away.

" Don't touch me! Stay away from me you creep!" She shouted breathlessly at him. He ignored all the glares she was going him and leaned in closer to her.

" Why? Haven't you had a man touch you this way before?" He asked with his hot breath fanning her face. She trembled when she saw his hand on the duvet, gently dragging it lower and exposing her shoulders in the process. It was true that no man had ever touched her the way Jerome was, hell no man had ever looked her like this before but here this man was, her enemy, touching her however he found fit and she couldn't even do anything to stop him. Andrea felt disgusted by his touch and had the urge to throw up everything in her stomach. Jerome had wronged her a great deal already and just by him staying close made her want to commit murder. For Christ sake the bastard kidnapped her and almost had her father killed and now he wanted to touch her like nothing happened? Never! She would personally castrate him before he ever tried anything with her. She would never forget all the bad things this evil soul had done to her.

" Are you deaf? I said stay away from me! Get off me, you are heavy." Andrea yelled as she tried to push his hand away again but he grabbed it and pinned it above her head. She saw him grab her hand tightly but not so tight that it would bruise her skin. She lifted her other hand to push him off but he gripped it and put it above her head as well. Seeing as her had no more hands to fight him off with she started struggling, struggling for her dear life, she couldn't let this evil soul do anything to her. She tried kicking him but he climbed on top of her and used his knee to hold down her legs. Even when Andrea saw that her legs were already trapped she didn't stop moving, wiggling herself like an earthworm from under him.

" What if I don't want to? What will you do about it, huh?" Jerome mockingly asked, he really enjoyed showing her futile attempts of trying to push him off and for some sick twisted reason, he liked it when he saw fear in her in eyes. The fear she had for him, he liked it and it was what he would use to control her. Despite yells and angry glares, she couldn't mask the look of fear in her eyes and Jerome would make sure to put that fear into good use.

Jerome had always been a manipulator who didn't waste an opportunity to get what ever he desired and using people's emotions against them wasn't a new or strange thing to him. He enjoyed emotionally controlling people and this woman under him wouldn't going to be an exception, he would break her so much until she herself feels obliged to do he's evil bidding. It was just a matter of time and a series of processes but they would get there, hopefully soon.

He used one of his large hands to hold down her hands against the headboard and used his now free hand to trace down the elegant curve of her neck.

" What are you doing?" She voice came out breathless as she was already feeling very exhausted from struggling against him. Her chest moved up and down as she stared at Jerome's brown eyes and saw nothing but darkness in them. A void of emptiness. He's eyes mirrored his soul, an abyssal wasteland.

The sinister smile Jerome had awhile ago made itself prominent again on his face, making him look like a badass supervillain that he was.

" What does it look like? I'm touching you." He whispered sultrily into her ear and kept caressing her neck. Then his fingers trailed down her collar bone and dragged the duvet even lower, bringing her bra a little into view. Her fear was pleasing to Jerome as he watched her shook her head in panic and started struggling again. It was like the more she struggled the worse the situation becomes.

" Stop it or else?" She warned but it didn't stop him from doing whatever he wanted.

"Or else what?" He asked to see what exactly she could probably do to stop him. Not that he was worried that she would succeed, he just wanted to know what to expect when he was with her. He wanted to know all the cards and tricks she could possibly pull out so that she wouldn't be able to take him by surprise, he wanted to be able to predict her every move as it was the only way to truly ensure victory.

He yanked on the duvet and her lacy bra came into full view for his eyes to feast on. Jerome stared at her breasts for awhile before bringing his hand closer to them. Andrea saw Jerome's evil hand moving towards her breasts and shut her eyes, thinking that he was going to squeezed them painfully but instead he poked her right Breast then her left one.

" Are those real?" He asked with a doubtful look on his face and Andrea blinked twice. Although Andrea kinda had a petite frame but at the same there wasn't anything petite about the things on her chest.Her boobs were nice and round but let's not forget big because damn! Those this were big, at least a 38" cup size and even Jerome was finding it hard to keep eye contact with her.

" What?" She asked in confusion. His hand was still on her breast, he squeezed a little and a gasp escaped Andrea's lips.

" Your boobs, are they real?" He asked and squeezed again.

"Are you crazy? What kind of question is that? Get your filthy hands off me!" She furiously yelled at the top of her lungs while still glaring daggers at him.

" What do you think people outside this room would assume if you keep shouting like this, huh? Just take a wild guess at what's probably going through their minds right now." Jerome scolded as he to was getting tired of her behavior. Like damn the girl got lungs, he already had a headache from all her yelling.

Andrea thought about what he just said to her and became horrified at the conclusion that she drew. What if the people in the house misunderstood and thought that they were engaging in some nasty fun? She didn't want people to think that, it wasn't even true. Andrea looked at Jerome and saw that he was completely calm while she was busy worrying about things. Wasn't he worried that he's people would get the wrong impression about the both of them? But on second thought, why should he even worry or care about what they thought of him? No matter what happens, he would still remain the boss so their thoughts must not really matter to him.

" My arms hurt, let go of me." She said curtly but with a more quiet voice and at least she was no longer yelling.

" Ask me nicely firstly." He tried to bargain and Andrea let out a soft sigh, she saw that he wasn't going to let go without her asking nicely so she chose to swallowed her pride.

" Please let go of my arms." She compelled and asked politely. Jerome nodded in satisfaction and set her hands free from his grip. He then got off her, covered her back with the duvet and bent closer to her ear.

" Good girl, if you keep obeying whatever I say then perhaps your stay here would be more enjoyable." Jerome whispered into her ear and stroke her soft cheek. He straightened himself up and walked out of the room.

Andrea watched him walk out of the room and stared at the door for a few minutes more, trying to understand what just happened. Yes he left, finally! Her prayers had been answer but she still couldn't help feeling confused by all this. Jerome was such a weird man, at first he looked like he was actually going to rape then all of the sudden he mood changed and he lost all interest to do so. He let her go so easily and looked like he couldn't wait to leave.

Then she wondered what his plans actually were? To figure out what he was up to but his behavior wasn't doing anything but confusing her.

No, Jerome was definitely up to something, he always was and it had something to do with her if not he wouldn't waste a single second of his time on her but the question here was what's his aim for all this? What was he hoping to gain?