A murderer

April entered in her room sat down on the bed, she was full of too much feelings. She was angry, excited, nervous and another feeling that she couldn't explain.

She heard the door of another room closed from outside , she stood up and opened her room door slowly to see who was that , she saw Edward go down the stairs. She entered back her room.

She was thinking of her siblings. It's was already noon, she hope that they are doing well. Now that she is the wife's prince she is suppose to stay with him, her siblings are too young to stay alone so she was worried.

After few minutes she heard the noises of shields as if people was fighting , she looked through the window and she sees prince Edward with some men training, then 3 maids entered with some dresses like 10 dresses, she turned to them.

'' What is that for? '' she asked

'' My lady is his highness, prince Edward told us to bring it to you for the dinner of tonight'' said one maid politely looking down

''What is your name?'' She asked firmly but her voice was also soft

''Anabis '' she replied politely . '' Okay Anabis firstly you don't need to look down when you're speaking to me'' she smiled at her '' it goes for all of you'' she added.

'' My lady, it's to show our respect for you'' Anabis said

The word 'my lady' sounded weird in her ears, she was not use to the fact that people was calling her my lady while she is none of a lady. She wanted to tell to the maids to stop calling her like that but she knew already that they wouldn't.

''No need of looking down and bring those dresses back , I don't want to wear it '' she said.

'' The prince said that ,even if you refuse to wear it we should leave them here'' Anabis said

Anabis was a black beautiful girl with long black braids, she looked very polite and extremely obedient.

April sighs heavily then she looked back through the window.

"Is which type of game ?'' she asked referring to what the men was doing outside.

The maids was placing the dresses inside the cupboard , Anabis stopped what she was doing and turned to April '' It is called Bardit my lady, it is a traditional royal game of this kingdom played by the king's sons every year '' Anabis said in a polite manner

'' it consist of what?'' she asked curious

'' it consist of bringing out your opponent out of the circle using shields. Wearing a wolf helmet for protection, all shots are allowed but without using any weapon just with your barehand '' Anabis explained

''Oh I see'' she said ''And they're going to play it when ,the competition ? '' she asked

'' In two months '' Anabis answered '' prince Edward was the best in this game but since he went out of the kingdom prince Alec became the best'' she added without being asked . April looked again at him

''Your highness should we bring food to you here ?'' Asked Anabis '' Yes please, I almost forgot to eat'' she replied touching her belly.

The maid bowed and went out, few minutes later they were back with food . It was the first time she had food like that for noon , usually she doesn't eat at noon because of lack of money,she will wait for dinner at ones .

In the small table she saw chicken, fish , fried potatoes and fruity juice . She was wondering that it was just for one person. She ate with appetite and finish all the food and the fruity juice that was inside the jar. The three maids was surprise, they have never seen a girl eating so fast and much like that, full of appetite,the girl was even licking her fingers then she burped . Their eyes was widely opened

'' Seriously this was excellent '' she said touching her belly

''The maids smile''

She then stood up ''can I visit the castle ?'' She said with an enthusiastic voice . Anabis nodded.

The castle was having many quarters.Anabis explained to April that each quarter was for each princes with their wives and each had their own maids, servants and butlers.The castle was having many small garden very beautiful and every garden had a sculpture of an eagle , but what attracted April attention was a dungeon, it looked dark, dangerous,scary .That dungeon was having a bad aura like a dark atmosphere around it.

They arrived where Edward was training, she stood they , stunned . The man was almost naked torso,he was wearing a wolf skin fur that covered his right pectoral chest but his abs could be seen. He had 8 abs,he was well built. April swallowed then she shook her head to come back to reality and she could realize that the others maids was admiring the prince except Anabis. She felt a little displeased at the fact that others women looked at the prince.

She walked away but at that moment Edward said something '' heh!!! Guys this is my wife'' he said loudly to his men pointing at her with the shield with a smirk on his lips, his men gazed at her but April made as if she wasn't the one she continued walking

'' My savage doe!!'' he said with a smirk on his lips. April stopped , she turned back to him and looked at him with a deadly gaze and walked away « I will not react to your provocation » she thought. The man just smirked and continued what he was doing .

The time for dinner arrived and the maids prepared April. Her hair was well combed , the dress she wore put her small body in value , she has a simple makeup and just a lipgloss on her lips. She looked at herself in the mirror,she didn't recognize herself she turned on herself. April was a beautiful girl but now like that she was very beautiful with this dress,the makeup and the perfume added her beauty.Anabis opened the door for her , she went out.


Edward who was waiting for her down the stairs, looked at her with fascination . He knew the girl was beautiful but tonight she was even more, she looked like a princess. If someone doesn't know her , the person would think that she was born in royal family.

The man immediately gain his normal expression and he stretched out his arm for her to hold it, April hold his hand.

The king and his wife finally arrived to the dinner he greeted everyone, they then greeted each other . They sat , the king sat at the end and his wife Helena was beside him ,at the other end of the table was the crown prince , prince Darvin and his wife. At the edges was prince Ronan with his wife, prince Leon and prince Leopold were twins, the cute prince Alban then Edward and April. The king present every one to April. They were very handsome men just as their father. April then understood why girls was praising them.

One chair was empty, April deduced that one prince was lacking.

The king raised his glass with the right hand and the left hand a spoon he knocked it on the glass to have everyone attention ''I want to welcome our new princess , April beckinsale the wife of Edward'' he said with a smile. She smiled at them.

The maids brought the food , so many food that April was loosing her mind, she was already thinking of what she will start first, saliva almost came out of her mouth. The maids served them and everyone started to eat except April , she didn't know which spoon and fork to use. They were having variety of spoons, forks and glasses , tall, short, average. Nobody has thought her how to use it when her mother wanted to teach her all those things she felt sick.

Edward noticed that she wasn't eating ''Are you having a problem ?'' He asked. She answered with her head saying no . She put her right hand above the spoons hesitating which one to use , the queen and the other two princesses laughed in silence. Edward ignored them '' use the spoon on your left '' he smiled at her and April did what he said.

At the moment April wanted to eat someone spoke ''you're not waiting me?'' Someone said moving toward them. It was a young man with long red hair having red eyes. He sat next to April '' wow bro your wife is incredible beautiful '' he smirked. He took the hand of April and kissed the back of her hand

'' My name is Alec'' he said with a smirk , he then hold her chin ,

Edward slapped his hand from her chin '' Don't touch her'' he ordered with a deadly voice and gaze. '' okay okay''Alec shrugged .

'' where were you?'' Asked the king calmly.

"Having fun father'' Alec replied with a smirk .

'' Father why don't you tell some annoying story about Edward to his wife'' Alec said with provocation in his voice and eyes.

'' Do you know that your husband is a murderer?'' He added

''Alec!!!!!!'' Shouted the king , the king hit the table furiously . Edouard was feeling his blood boiling he wanted to hit Alec.

April who was eating swallowed askew and coughed hard, she then calmed herself .

'' A.... mur.... murderer ?'' She stammered .

'' yes, you know does who kill and keep cool and enjoy it'' he said with smirk of provocation.

Edward stood up and throw the handkerchief on the table he was furious '' stop saying nonsense '' he said with a deadly gaze .Alec stood up also '' What are you going to do?'' He replied