chapter 1 All the journeys have a beginning

In a large forest, a boy was badly injured and was desperately holding on to his life. as he wanted to get his revenge on the people who had made him enter this stage.

The boy soon passed away from his injuries.

but soon the body of the boy started to glow.

after some time, the glow subsides and the boy regains consciousness, but this time, the boys' emotions were different altogether.

the boy was named mike a fresher from a university in biology and was an animal enthusiast. he was returning to the dorms of his university when he saw a car speeding towards him in an uncontrolled manner. he tried to move out but he failed and had died.

he calms himself down and looks around and finds himself in a strange spot as he was in a jungle and didn't know what was going on.

at that time he feels a strong headache which caused him to faint.

he regains consciousness after some time. he then starts to regain some strange memories, of which he didn't know of at all. soon he figures out that he had died and regained a new life in another person's body who was also coincidently named mike blake. he was surprised to know that this world was a mystical world in which everyone could have a power which they awakened at the age of 15 years. thi9 happened after they sign contracts with the monster as the first step.

he was also 15 years but was set to go for the ritual of awakening was set to be performed but some contradiction in the academy with a boy led to his current situation of his. this boy wanted to ruin his life.

He this time even went as far as to kill him.

Mike decided that he would cause absolute pain in the boy's life.

Mike with the help of his memories went back to the city quietly without anyone knowing and silently waited for the ceremony to commence so that he could make the first step.

He reached his small house in which he lived alone as he was a war orphan. he had lost both his parent in protecting the city they lived in.

he enters his room and sat in it to completely understand his situation and know about the world he was now part of.

from the new memories of his, he came to know he was on a planet named red star which was a world of cultivation in which one had to contract with monsters to awaken their talent to move forward with their cultivation.

the cultivation also was divided into body and soul cultivation. with the soul, cultivates which are dominant in the world and body cultivates are located and cast aside but had a better fate than those who fail to awaken. in this world, cultivators need to increase the strength of the beast they contract to level their strength faster as the beast was their main battle strength in the world.

Mike understood most of the information and decided to plan according to it.

He decided to move around and look for more information on the world its geography popular profession and all kinds of various information.

He went out to find information about the working of the world but soon failed to know as all this information was secured by the star association and various high schools and universities. some stronger families had this information but the general public didn't have access to this information.

Thus his plan was foiled and he didn't have any way to access the information as of now.

He decided to return home and work on strengthening his body for the coming situations as well as the awakening time.

He reached his house after an hour. where he freshen up[ and start to perform simple exercises to make his body gain a shape as well as families with the new body.

He spends the rest of the day exercising and running basic errands of the house. he has his simple dinner and calls it a day.

He woke up the next day and started to prepare for his visit to his school so that he could know more about the information he can obtain as soon as possible.

He also wanted to know the awakening ritual date as well.

he reached the academy after an hour. he then made his way toward his class where he came face to face with the bully that almost killed him. the joust smiled at him and went to his seat and sat there.

He attended the class in the academy for the whole day. in which he was able to make some deductions about the culture of the world.

at the end of the day, this teacher told the class that the awakening ceremony will be held two days from now.

He then started to leave as he was leaving that boy named kay started to make his way towards him and starts to make fun of Mike and starts to attack him.

Mike controlled himself and left the academy and returned to this house. and started to prepare for the upcoming event of life.

Mike exercised for some time and started to collect all the info he had obtained to plan for his next move in the world. after all the work he needs to perform he went on to his kitchen to prepare some dinner for himself.

He cooked his dinner. and then ate it. he called a day early. so that he could work more efficiently the next day. as he was planning to bring his exercises to a new level.

he woke up the next day and exercised and ran 4 kilometers. after which he returned to freshen up and twenty to the academy for his classes. he reached the academy and went with his daily routine. there was no new change for him.


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