chapter 3 knowing things better is foundation

after such a hard day now, Mike was feeling tired so he went to sleep. and woke up the next day but he was still in shock as he had received the greatest help in the world for himself but he knew that he still needs to work hard as only by this one can truly become stronger.

he brought out the booklet he was given to check the information about the cultivation as well as the organizations that are in the power as well.

he opened the booklet and started to read the information he begins with the cultivation stages of the world that were solder, Lieutenant, captain, colonel, and general which were divided into 9 stages measured by a star.

he was able to know the hierarchy of the cultivation world as well. like the city he lived in was a third-tier city in the kingdom of Zelda.

there was also the introduction of the profession of hunters, guardians, researchers, alchemists, and smith. each profession had its own area of work and many professions overlapped in places of work.

hunter was the one who ventured into the wilderness for the resources. guardians rate the ones who are the ones who protect cities from beast tide and these two professions were the ones that everyone works.

the alchemist and blacksmith are the passive professions that are once who provide provided material and items for an increase in strength as well.

the researcher was the most mysterious as well as most complicated profession for one to have as well as the most respected as well.

all the professions are also divided into 9 ranks according to the mastery of their art or their battle strength and are tested by the various guild of the professions that are approved by the star associations.

from the booklet, he came to know that to get the basic cultivation techniques one has to have certain criteria to match before they work on the cultivation process. he needs to have a mature monster with the strength of a solider. and the master must have a punching strength of 50 units, a speed of 1.5 km/hr, and stamina of at least 1 hour. so after collecting basic information about the realm he started with calling his monster out of the spirit zone. which opened with his awakening.

he checked his monster out.

[monster name: red-winged sparrow

cultivation: 1-star soldier

status mutation-> incomplete

element: wind, fire(weak)

ability: keen eyes

hidden ability: sharpshooter

skills: flight, wind blade, wing attack, peck


ATK: 8

DEF: 5

SPD: 12

STA: 20

MANA: 20

evolution: 3

(red-winged sparrow-> sonic sparrow)

(red-winged sparrow-> windstriker sparrow)

(red-winged sparrow-> cyan flame sparrow)(mutated evolution)]

He was surprised by the evolution provided but he decided the mutated evolution was better than others as these were the characteristics that he was attracted to in this monster.

[red-winged sparrow-> cyan flame sparrow

materials: fire core of 1-star fire attributed monster, cyan grass, fire berry.

method: ...]

he then went on to complete the mission given by the system to increase his attributes. so he first did his 100 situps, 15 minutes of plank, and 6 km run after which he completed the mission and returned home.

he freshened up and came downstairs to have his breakfast. as having his breakfast he ask his system to show him his status as he added the attributes to his current status.

[name: mike Blake

stage: mortal

job: none

element: wind, fire

skill: monster control,identify(passive)



DEF: 3



MANA: 20

unassigned attributes:0

PET: Red-Winged Sparrow(mutated)(evolution path:3)


he took out the money he had collected until now and started to head to join the nearest gym that helps in body cultivation to the desired level to begin the cultivation officially. so he went to the gym nearest to his house and registered himself for a month as he knew that would be the maximum time required to build his body for cultivation.

he paid the fees and left as he had other things to tend to at the movement. he then went to the alchemist guild to get the material he wanted as that was the place all the materials required for the mutation evolution. the system had suggested as well as he liked the most.

he enters the guild and goes to the receptionist to ask for the items he needs. he then asks the prices. he finds that he could barely buy the items required from the money he had. so he asks the receptionist for the items and asks her to bill them. she then calls a member to bring in the materials she makes the bill for the purchases.

Mike collects the items and leaves the guild. after some time he reaches his house. where he starts working on the conconations for the monster of his. he preparing the mixture and worked on it for the whole evening. after which he was successful and called his monster to drink it. soon red-winged sparrow drank the potion and soon started to evolve into the next form of his which was a cyan flame sparrow.

[monster name: cyan flamed sparrow

cultivation: 2-star soldier

element: wind, fire

ability: keen eyes

hidden ability: sharpshooter

skills: flight, wind blade, wing attack, peck, fire strike


ATK: 18

DEF: 15

SPD: 32

STA: 40

MANA: 50

evolution: 2]

he was surprised by the transformation but this was short-lived as he started to feel a lot of pain in his body and he starts to dizzy and ultimately faints.

he regains consciousness to find himself completely change to the core. so he calls for his status

[name: mike Blake

stage: mortal

job: none

element: wind, fire

skill: monster control,identify(passive),elemental control



DEF: 8



MANA: 40

unassigned attributes:0

PET: Cyan Flamed Sparrow(evolution path:2)


he was surprised by the changes in the stats after the evolution of his monster. after which he was to become a researcher who helps in the evolution of the monster.


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