
The woman walked quickly, she didn't look around to see the odd looks she was receiving. The looks were because of her small and extremely loud companion, she stopped for a minute to rock to the girl slowly and she instantly calmed under her touch. The motion just added more guilt to the brunette's eyes. The woman was dressed very casually and didn't look at all like she had endured horrendous labor an hour ago. She continued walking at a brisk pace, stopping occasionally to shift the newborn baby in her arms. At last, she appeared in front of her destination; the steel gates had a sign which read Ms. Abbott's home for children. Jane Foster took one more look at her little girl she named Allison and instantly a tear slipped out of her eyes, then another appeared as well. She quickly wiped them away, then looked at the letter that contained everything that everything there was to know about Allison Foster, but she still felt like something was missing. Then it came to her; the necklace. The same one that her family had been passing down every generation, it now had a new home in the form of the one thing that she would be able to give her child. Before she could turn around and change her mind, she quickly rang the doorbell and placed Allison comfortably on the ground. Next, she went and hid behind the tree and watched as a young woman in her 20's came and called out

" Hello? Is anybody there? " The cry of the newborn baby quickly alerted her and she instantly came out and picked up Allison and the letter. The woman scanned the long letter and glanced around, trying to find anybody else there. Jane once again disappeared behind the tree and a few more tears slipped out from her light brown eyes. She peeked out again from behind the tree and saw that the woman was walking back into her house. Allison was safely held in her arms, and her cries had ceased.

Heimdall watched all of this with sad eyes because he knew that he would obey Jane's wishes of not knowing that Allison Foster the daughter of Thor existed. Even if it pained him to his very core to hide such a thing from his king. He knew that it was the only way that Allison would not be in any danger and would be happy. Till then he would anxiously await the princess's arrival and watch how she grows into a beautiful young woman.