Chapter Two

Third Person's P.O.V

Heimdall nervously walked up the stairs in the Avengers Tower, knowing that Thor would not take this news well. The Son Of Odin would mostly likely feel betrayed by both Jane Foster and himself, but the time had come for the former king to know. He also knew that Thor needed to find Allison himself, he could not tell him who his daughter was. As he ran the situation over his head, again and again, Heimdall started to fear for his life as he pushed open the door of the meeting room.

" Heimdall! I was not expecting to see you today. " Thor said in his booming voice.

" Yes, I know forgive the intrusion, but there is something I need to tell of the uttermost importance, " Heimdall replied as he sat down in a black chair. At his words, all of the avengers in the room looked up at him and narrowed their eyes.

" Is it something of national security? " Steve Rodgers questioned him raising one eyebrow.

" No, not at all! It's just family business that involves the late Ms. Foster. " explained Heimdall

" Ah! This just got interesting, " said Loki lifting up his illusion, to look at Heimdall.

" Thank you, Loki for not helping at all! What is it Heimdall? " said Thor in an annoyed tone, though Heimdall knew it was directed at his adopted brother more than him. But he knew it was going to be directed at him soon enough. He also knew that he was already not in Thor's good book by mentioning Jane, the former king had been distraught when he had learned that she had passed away. Since then he had donated a lot of Midgard's currency to help people who were suffering from Cancer. He watched as Thor bit into one of the strawberry pop tarts that he loved so much and raised an eyebrow at him in question.

" Um- Uh, You have a daughter, Thor, " Heimdall finally blurts out and then immediately smiles in relief. It turns into a grimace when Thor starts choking on his pop tart and Loki bursts out laughing, while the rest of the people in the room just stare in shock. Eventually, Clint Barton goes over and helps Thor to stop choking on the delicious pop tart.

" What foolish trickery is this? " shouted Thor as he stalks over to where Heimdall is sitting and lifts him into a chokehold

" Loki, did you do this? " asked Doctor Bruce Banner as he sighs and rubs his eyes in frustration.

" As much as I enjoy this, I'm afraid I can't take credit for this, although it seems like he is telling the truth, " replied Loki still chuckling, although becoming soberer by the realization.

" I'- I'm- telling t- the truth Thor " Heimdall manages to wheeze out. He could have gotten out of the god of thunder's grip easily, but he knew that it was best to not anger him at the moment. Thor stared into the eyes of his trusted advisor and realized that he was telling the truth, immediately he released him and sat down in his chair again, putting his head in his hands.

" What-how-why-where? " stammered Thor in shock, still unable to process everything that was going on.

" Well, you see when there is a mommy and a daddy- " began Tony with a smirk on his face and a sparkle in his eyes. Instantly everyone in the room except the confused god scowled at him.

" Where can we find her? " said Loki speaking on behalf of his foster brother, who was still being unusually quiet.

" I can't tell you that. You must find her yourself, " said Heimdall in a commanding tone that was supposed to mask his nervousness. As soon as he spoke shouts and shrieks of protests filled the air, the loudest of them being the deity who had questioned him. While all of this was going on Thor still sat in his chair, his half-eaten strawberry pop tart laying on the table long forgotten.

" Are you sure about this? " questioned Thor looking at one of his most trusted advisors in his eyes.

" Yes," said Heimdall in a firm tone that held no place for doubt.

" Then we will search the ends of the galaxy to find my niece," said Loki in a tone that challenged anybody to question him. When no one spoke against his sentence he gave a satisfactory hum.

" I can tell you this one thing, the princess resides in Midgard," said Heimdall in a wise tone looking at Earth's mightiest heroes.

" Wonderful! There are more than 8.3 million people in just New York, so why can't we find a random princess, " said Stark in a snarky tone.

" Tony! " exclaimed everyone in the room except the person who looked like he had just been kicked in the face.

" Please help me find her, " whispered Thor with a heartbreaking look on his face.

" Of course we will, Thor," said Natasha Romanoff as she went and put a hand on his shoulder.

" We can start by asking Shuri and T'Challa for help," said Bruce rubbing his temple with his hand.

" How about we question Jane's friends? " asked Sam Wilson as he stared off into space

" I can also look into the orphanages near Jane's house," said Tony thoughtfully, finally contributing something meaningful to the conversation.

" We will find her," said Steve crossing his arms and looking at the distraught blond sitting in the chair.

Thor looked around the room, and at that moment he was happy. He had a daughter and he was going to find her no matter what! With that thought, he stood up and walked over to stark who had started looking at the security camera footage.