Two weeks later...
Allison's P.O.V
" Let's take five types of chips!- wait no, that's too less, " Emma said, as she practically bounced in excitement. I mentally groaned as she started to rattle off different brands of chips that she hoped to add to our overflowing cart, which was filled to the brim with supplies. It was late in the evening, and I felt like I had just run a marathon since Emma had picked me up straight after work had ended and had been dragging me through the local grocery store. She has been so energetic and excited about the upcoming trip. I get it though, I mean, we have been planning this epic vacation since, 10 years ago, and now we finally get to experience our dream vacation! But, it had been three hours since she picked me up and I was completely exhausted. We had considered moving the dates since, Emma, Hayley, and I had just gone on the camping trip, but both of us were going to be busy for the next three to six months. Besides, when can a person have too many vacations?
" Do you want Doritos or Cheetos " questioned Emma, waving her hand in front of my face. I rapidly blinked and then exhaled a long breath, which was quickly followed by a long yawn. In response, Emma took in an annoyed breath and shook the huge bags of chips, that she currently held in both of her hands. Her left hand contained the ranch-flavored Doritos in their blue packaging and there was a bag of original Cheetos bag in her right hand.
" Um- I think we should take the Doritos, 'cause they make less of a mess than Cheetos and I really don't want to get orange cheese powder on my car, " I say while attempting to stifle a yawn and trying not to close my eyes. Emma let out a sigh, as she took in my exhausted appearance and tired demeanor. She then proceeded to toss in both bags of chips, while I threw my hands up at her actions.
" Let's go, before you decide to use the floor as your new bed, " Emma said, with a smirk on her face. I let out a dry laugh, watch, as she attempts to turn the overcrowded grocery cart. I internally chuckle, as she grunts in frustration at the overflowing cart that refuses to budge.
" Need some help with that? " I asked rhetorically, as she continued to struggle against the heavy cart. She just grunted in response and taking that as a yes, I pushed a little. Apparently, I had not accurately judged my own strength, because the cart ran down the aisle. Emma stared at me in shock, her mouth comically open wide.
" How did you do that! " she exclaimed in shock, her eyes rapidly glancing from the cart to me as if expecting me to transform into the Hulk. Just to humor her, I raised my hands above my head and mock growled. " I'm being serious, Ali, you barely touched that grocery cart, and it went all the way down the aisle, I was pushing with all of my strength and I couldn't even get it to budge more than two steps! " she said, staring at me.
" I- I don't know " I replied, growing wary and serious. Suddenly, it felt like some dots had connected in my brain and I thought back to the hail storm, that had occurred earlier this month. Could these two events be connected?