Third Person's P.O.V ( Two Weeks Later )
Ms. Abott sighed as she closed her worn-down laptop. She had just finished putting all the kids to sleep, which was not an easy feat considering the fact, that sixty kids had taken up residence in the old, but comforting house. The house itself was full of memories and love, she remembered every single child that had once called the house home. The woman still kept in touch with many of the kids that had slowly grown into adults, but there were a few that simply wanted to start over. She understood the feeling quite well, after all, she had restarted her life as well. Ms. Abott let out a mirthless chuckle as she recalled some of the terrible mistakes she had made in her past life, in a way she resembled a phoenix, she had truly been reborn. Legally as well! The woman strolled over to the granite kitchen counter and reminisced about her past life in the dark. There had been nothing beautiful or good about her past life and she had made some extremely horrible choices. Meanwhile, this life was good! She was doing the right thing, so how come she was always thinking about the adrenaline? The closest thing she gets to thrill these days was trying to capture a mosquito. Though that had been an exhilarating chase, she missed the old life. The life in which she was jumping of a plane and fighting. Oh, how much she truly missed the fighting!
A small creak succeeded to pull her out of her thoughts, as she suddenly became alert. Almost instinctively, she darted behind the kitchen counter and knelt down without making a sound, as she listened carefully. Ms. Abott tensed as she heard the unmistakable sound of a door opening, the mysterious person who was behind all the noise was quiet, but she had been trained for this. Her hands inched towards the knives kept on the counter, as she heard extremely faint footsteps coming closer and closer to the kitchen. She took out the knife softly, as she stood up from her crouched position. Her hold on the knife tightened as the footsteps suddenly stopped. Instantly, the room was flooded with light and Ms. Abott took off! She ran towards the intruder with her full might with her knife by her side. She didn't hesitate to tackle the trespasser and kept her hold on the person with one arm, while the other held the knife on the person's neck.
" Tell me who you are and who sent you or I will not hesitate to use this knife, " growled Ms. Abott in a low and threatening whisper, while maintaining her stronghold on the other person.
" I am Agent Jones and I believe that you already know who sent me, " replied the intruder, the person hesitated for a second and then continued by saying " Nice to meet you, Agent Corinne. "
Thor's P.O.V
I growled in frustration, as thoughts flew in my mind about my daughter. The words felt extremely foreign to me, as I repeated them out loud. It felt a little surreal, to be honest, I felt like someone would jump out of nowhere and say it was just a cruel joke. Just to specify, I don't mean the place Knowhere, I just meant nowhere. To be honest, at first, I had also thought that my brother was behind this, but now I feel extreme guilt for even thinking that. I mean, Loki has changed so much, well not in terms of his sarcasm, but as a person. I truly believe with all my heart, that is a good man, and I trust him now. He has gone back to being the person that I used to think the world of and I am eternally grateful for his help in looking for my daughter. In fact, I am eternally grateful to everyone who is helping me.
Suddenly, a thought struck me, the people of New Asgard. I needed to tell them about their new princess, I smiled, as I thought about how happy they would be about receiving a new member of the royal family. I started to prepare a plan in my head when my eyes started to stop and I yawned, turning over to my left side. I closed my eyes and drifted off to the world of dreams, imagining how my daughter would look.