Chapter Fourteen

Allison's P.O.V

" This song is so good," Said Em, we were currently listening to the radio and trying to sing along to Don't Start Now by Dua Lipa. Well, actually we were shouting more than singing, and basically, Dua Lipa's voice was the only good noise coming out. We can definitely say that we are not the next Billie Eilish or Taylor Swift.

A pout overcame me, as the upbeat song came to an end and was instantly replaced with an annoying ad, and to top it off, the traffic light turned red, just as we saw it. Emma let out a groan and reached towards the backseat to take the crumpled packet of starbursts. It was officially the second day of our road trip, and to say we were beaming, would be a major understatement! We had planned this for so long, and honestly, the wait was completely worth it.

We are planning to drive all the way to Florida, and then staying there for a couple of days, then return back to the bustling streets of New York. This trip's sole purpose was to let us have fun and relax, so far the trip was achieving its purpose! We had stayed at a welcoming local inn last night and had just talked about everything that had recently taken place in our lives. We had talked about work, guys, the new ice cream parlor that had opened up near us, and about some of the silly mistakes we have made in our earlier life. We laughed, we cried, we annoyed the people next door, and I can say that it was a night that I will always remember.

Most people would think that would make me a really boring person, but honestly, Emma has always been one of the most important people in my life, I have known her since the very first day of second grade. I remember playing in the bright-colored playground and then seeing this brunette sitting by herself on the bench. I ran over to her and started to talk to her, well more like ramble to her about every subject known to humankind, she had patiently listened, which was surprising because no one did that! I was known to be quite talkative and could go on and on about the most random topic.

However, that is what made us such good friends, she was able to balance me out and would tell me when I needed to stop talking. We were like the human version of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But our friendship once suffered a great test, and that great test was called Middle School. I had made some extremely poor decisions during my three years in middle school, and that had eventually come between us, but thankfully I had watched enough cheesy hallmark Christmas movies to know that sometimes you need to do something dramatic.

So, I had gotten a microphone and had sung out Count On Me by Bruno Mars, until she opened up her window. I had never received dirtier looks from people than I did on that particularly sunny morning and I honestly believe that they would have murdered me if they could do it without going to prison.

" Ali? " said Em, snapping her fingers in front of me. " You there? " she continued, as I turned my head to look at her.

I gave her a bright smile and said " Yup! " with so much enthusiasm, that she raised her eyebrow looking at me with a curious look. " I know you are gonna ask me if I'm alright, and I'll save you the trouble, and say that I am perfectly fine, " I continued, reaching under the seat to find the bag of Doritos.

" Ok, well I was gonna ask do you want to stop for lunch soon? To be honest, I don't really feel that hungry, because I think I just ate half of the grocery store, " said Em, as she parked our car next to a cute diner.

" Yeah, I agree, plus we bought way too many snacks and we can just feed off them if we do get hungry, " I replied running a hand through my blonde hair. Em nodded in reply and pulled us back onto the main street, just as another upbeat song started to blare from the radio.