Chapter Seventeen

Chapter 16 continued...

I snapped myself out of the old and torturous memories that continued to haunt me to my very core. These memories only served one purpose; to never let me forget. They never let me forget the pain, the torment, the abuse that I and 20 other girls had faced. Thankfully, I would never be that weak and vulnerable ever again. That was the one correct thing that my training had accomplished; I would always be able to defend myself.

This realization helped me gain some confidence in my current position. Yes, It had been extremely reckless and idiotic to give in to what my heart desired. But not all was lost, I could still escape; I could still have my life back. However, the question was, did I want to? Most people would not even consider this question; no would be the obvious choice for every sane person. However, was I still considered sane? To be frankly honest, I didn't actually know the answer.

The pull was so strong. I wanted the thrill, the action, the risk. I was not designed for the lifestyle that I was currently living. I was itching to get back out in the field, to feel the sensation that one can only feel when they are in a high-risk motorcycle race. I wanted the sick pleasure I felt when I committed a crime.

No! I scolded myself, you can't get caught up in this again. Think about the kids; those kids need you. They have no one who cares for them; they won't have anywhere to stay; they won't have anybody who provides food and water. Think about Joana; she wouldn't want you to get sucked up in this. She would want you to live a life where you don't have to look behind you to see if anybody is following you. She would want you to live life as carefree as possible. As soon as I thought about Joana, I knew that I had made my decision.

With that in mind, I resumed listening to Val yammering on and on about how pathetic my life had gotten. " Anyways, my point is that it's so sad you know? How even the best agents give up this life at some point, " she said as she sighed in disappointment. As soon as Val had finished talking, the door flew open, instantly alerting us. I spun around to see who had come in and then raised an eyebrow. It was a man dressed in the infamous Captain America uniform. His bulging muscles seemed like they were about to burst out of the uniform at any second, as he stared at me. Beside him stood a blond woman; her hair was completely tied back and not a single strand was loose. Looking at this, I deduced that she was some sort of agent because most agents don't like their hair interfering when they are fighting. The man was also most likely an agent due to his physical appearance, maybe they were partners?

Suddenly, Val cleared her throat and instantly all of our attention was on her instead of each other. There was a little smile on her face, which made me slightly nervous seeing that when the devil smiles, you know something horrible is about to occur. " Agent Walker and Agent Belova meet Agent Corrine, " she said gesturing at us. We looked at each other again and gave each other a nod of acknowledgment. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Val looking at our interaction, still donning a small smile.

My mind raced with worry as I still kept my perfected mask on, not letting anybody see the worries that were inhabiting me. Why did Val want to introduce me to these two agents? What was she planning?