Chapter Twenty One

Allison's P.O.V

I stared at the destruction. My jaw trembled as I took in what I had done. I could hear screams filled with despair and anger. Anger towards me, and I couldn't blame them one bit. I raised my hand to my mouth in horror as I continued to assess the damage that I had caused. I had caused people to die; I had ruined people's lives. I felt like everything was spinning around me as I started to see black spots in my vision. Suddenly, a hand gripped me tightly; it was a man in his later years. I could see his mouth move, I could see how angry he looked, how unhinged he seemed.

I could feel my knees shaking, and the only thing that was stopping me from collapsing on the harsh ground was the man holding me up. My mind couldn't stop seeing the faces of my victims. The shock on their faces, the screams frozen inside their mouths, as I unleashed all of my anger on them. It felt like every tiny bit of anger was let out. My breathing start to rapidly increase, as I clutched my head, unable to escape from this horrible nightmare.

All of a sudden, I felt a harsh sting on the left side of my face. He had slapped me. It seemed as if it had brought me back to life, out of whatever land I had disappeared to due to the shock. Some feeling came back into my legs, and I was able to slowly rise up, like a phoenix after it was resurrected.

Soon enough, I was able to look him in the eye, staring straight into his cold, grey orbs. His mouth was moving, forming words that I knew would cut me down until I was nothing but a heaving mess on the floor. I opened my mouth; ready to apologize for what I had done when suddenly I was blasted away.

Loki's P.O.V

I shot a glare at Thor, as everybody discussed the plan. Essentially, we were going to let the people who could fly leave the aircraft first, and attack the target. Also known as my niece. I knew with no doubt in my mind that it was her, the person that had been occupying our every thought and dream. I was able to identify her magic, just as my mother had been able to with mine. It felt like me and thor's daughter had an unconscious bond joining us together, one that nobody else had. The problem with that was: Thor didn't want to believe me; he didn't want to think that his daughter had killed hundreds of people.

So we were going to make the dumbest mistake known to the universe: wait. We were first going to wait and look at the target; see if she looks anything like my dumb oaf of a brother. I pray to Odin she didn't inherit his brain. When I pointed out an extremely minor side effect of our plan; she could get killed, he said that he would just go faster than Vision, you know the incredibly fast and strong android. This would make sure that he was the first to actually reach her and stop the others from harming her. That's right, we aren't informing the other people on our team about our incredibly idiotic plan. Thor thinks that nobody would believe us, and they might think that one of us Asgardians was behind the attack. This is who my father named king. And people thought that I was jealous of him... What's there to be jealous about? His incredibly small brain? Or maybe his stupid hair that makes him look like he just stepped out of a shampoo commercial? Ok, so I might possibly have a slight obsession with his hair.

Anyways, everybody was arguing about who should go and attack her first. They were doing the stupid hero thing, where everybody is like " No I should go, " and we end up wasting precious time. The worst part was that we had already had this conversation once. Yup! We had previously decided that Vision, Thor, and the dumb hunk of metal, also known as Tony Stark, would go. However, Wanda decided that now was the correct time to start acting like the world would end if Vision went out first. To be honest, It is better for our plan if he doesn't go first, but I knew it would really be suspicious if I agreed with her. Because it's me; Loki; the god of mischief; the god of brooding or whatever the hell Midgardian's have decided to call me nowadays.

However, Thor is known as the sweet, innocent, charismatic brother, so he should have no problem voicing his support for dear Wanda. That is if the bumbling idiot would get just glance in my direction; he wasn't clever enough to think of this by himself. I sighed, I knew I shouldn't be this hard on Thor, after all, he had just discovered that his daughter was like me.

* A little return birthday present from me to you!