Chapter Twenty Seven

On the day of the accident

Emma's P.O.V

" I swear to god I would let a young Leonardo Dicaprio kill me," I exclaimed, basically swooning at the very pleasant sight of a young Leo in Titanic. Allison burst out laughing, her blonde locks jumping at the action. We were laying down on a burgundy couch, an unlimited array of snacks were scattered around us, and Titanic was playing right in front of us. It sounded like a dream honestly. And it was, the whole vacation has been a dream; a perfect break from a stressful reality.

We had arrived in Florida a couple of days ago after a long and energetic car ride from New York City. It had been everything I wanted it to be; I think we both realized that we were making the type of memories that we would look back at when we were old. The ones that made us remember the past; the ones that made us feel young and free; the ones that pulled at our heartstrings.

Allison and I were sisters, it didn't matter that we don't share the same blood; in our hearts and minds, we would do anything for each other. I trust her with everything I have because I know it's all worthless compared to her. She has supported me through every single mistake, heartbreak, and disappointment. That was something that other people had failed to do so.

My parents and I had a rocky relationship. That was the best definition one could use to describe us. Screams, unrealistic expectations, and insults disguised as compliments were a regular occurrence at the house. I had never uttered a word about this to Allison, how could I? How could I possibly complain about my parents when she never even got to meet hers? I would sound so ungrateful, even though I wasn't. I recognized how privileged I was because at least I had parents who in their own way, cared about me.

Besides, she would have taught I had gone crazy. There was an unspoken agreement between me and my parents to exclude Allison from any family conflict we possess. They had always loved Allison, sometimes even more so than me. I'm confident when I say that my mother would have wished multiple times throughout the course of her life that Allison was truly her daughter, not me. I'm used to being second best to Ali, it's just always been that way, but I love to wonder if one day it won't be like that. If one day I can stop being the Bottas to her Hamilton.

There had come the question of officially making Allison a part of our small family, but my dear old Gran had immediately rejected the idea. The crone had always hated Allison, from the very beginning, and had not hesitated to voice her opinions on the matter. If I am being completely honest, a small, minuscule part of me was glad that at least she didn't adore her. I guess I'm just happy that at least one person won't pick her over me.

We had just gotten to the infamous dining scene in the movie when suddenly the phone rang, loud and true. I let out a loud groan, dreading the discomfort of getting up from my position on the couch. If only I had known that I would have been able to save the lives of so many people, including Allison's biological father if I had just gotten my lazy arse out of the couch.

Allison groaned as well, but eventually succumbed to the constant ringing and dragged herself out of the couch. I listened as she let out a hello in greeting, half distracted as I pondered a very important question: Who decides Skittle flavors? As I debated the answer to the question, a loud clang was heard throughout the room. The speed at which I turned my neck in order to look at Allison was enough to rival the Flash himself, but instead of superpowers coursing through me, worry for Ali was the only thing on my mind.

Allison was standing strangely still, the phone dropped next to her. It's as if time stood still as we stay in the position, me staring at her, while she stands in shock. Then all hell breaks loose. The last thing I see is Allison screaming and the white rush of water, then everything goes black.