Chapter Four

Why are high school kids so stupid? That was the question I had been playing around with since I had started ninth grade. Every single day, I would be reminded of their idiocy by some badly thought out action, well in the case of Lindsey Walters, not thought out of. She hadn't even imagined the repercussions of her actions. What did she think that she would receive an award for purposefully spilling candy on a campsite? Out of all the dense acts that had happened during my first two years of high school, this one really took the crown.

Now, instead of sleeping peacefully underneath the stars, I was trudging through the halls of the grand plaza hotel. And the worst part is that everyone else is happy; they are happy that they don't have to smell the sweet air of nature; they are happy that they don't have to see the vibrant flowers around them; they are happy that they can't gaze at the beauty surrounding them. Sometimes I truly worry about the future of the world.

I sigh as I spot the door with the same number that inhabited the room key that Mr. Harrison had pushed into my hand. He had made everyone choose a partner that was supposed to suffer along with them and as usual, nobody had bothered to even glance in my direction. Their eyes hadn't even strayed towards the only person who was actually suffering. Mr. Harrison hadn't even been surprised when he noticed that I didn't have a partner, well to be honest neither was I. Thankfully, he didn't try to torture me and all my other classmates by asking a couple to include me in their group. That might be the one time in my life that I even consider thanking Mr. Harrison.

I gently open the sturdy door, not wanting to wake the other occupants of the hotel. However, it seems like my peers don't care in the slightest, as I hear their shrieks coming from various different parts of the hotel. I carefully step into the average room; it was nothing fancy, but it met all the requirements of an average teen girl. It also met the standards of an abnormal teenage girl, because who was I kidding? Who would ever call me average?

Anyways, the room contained a single bed that had just enough room for one weird moi. There was also a sleek wooden desk, which I immediately tossed my extremely heavy bag onto. I rolled my shoulder back, trying to get rid of the numbness that now controlled it. Great! I can also thank Lindsey for making my shoulder useless for the moment being. There was also a medium-sized T.V and a small refrigerator that contained loads of overpriced junk food. My hand longingly reached towards it, as I imagined how red and angry Mr. Harrison would get even if I ate just one thing. Huh, guess I had one thing in common with the other teenage girls in my school, I love to defy people of authority, especially when they piss me off.

I let out a small yawn as I free-fall backward onto the comfortable bed. I exhaled softly, as I recalled the day's crazy events. To be honest, I had known that something crazy would happen, at least in my subconscious. I mean it was a whole bunch of high school kids and one incredibly biased teacher. Although, even my wild imagination could not come up with a horde of fire ants attacking us. The attack had certainly been an adventure, a completely lunatic one, but an adventure just the same.

I realized that if I spent a moment more in the embrace of the warm bed I was going to doze off, and that was fine, but I needed to prepare myself before that occurred. I got out of the bed and grabbed my pack from the wooden table that it was residing on. A small raven colored pouch was one of the many contents in the ridiculous overpacked backpack. A small silver necklace immediately fell out of the pouch as soon as I unzipped the chain. My eyes became watery as I stared at the beautiful piece of jewelry. That necklace meant more to me than words could ever describe; It had a silver chain along with a black pendant hooked on it. It had been given to me by one of the most dominant influences in my life. This was the person who picked me up when I fell down when I was little, and then later when I was older, taught me to pick myself up.

This person was my aunt Gianna. She was a force to be reckoned with, the sheer amount of energy that was inside her was incomparable. Unlike, my mother ( her sister ) she had never been shy or quiet, she had always said what she wanted to say, when she wanted to say it. A lot of people had never liked that fact, but she taken the criticism through one ear and let it out through the other. She had unfortunately passed away when I was in middle school due to a shooting. Since then, nobody in my family had ever been the same.

A long string of bittersweet memories played in my mind, as I played with the gorgeous necklace. Auntie Gianna at my 12th birthday, Auntie Gianna and me at the movies, Auntie Gianna and me at one of our weekly movie nights. It was safe to say that we spend a lot of time together.

I sighed, as I continued to stare at the simple, but perfect piece of jewelry. It was strange how one object could hold so much meaning. I didn't even notice that I was crying, until I felt a teardrop slide down my cheek. I sniffled a bit, trying to keep the tears at bay. It frustrated me so much when I started to cry, even if I was mad I could always feel the salty tears dripping from my eyes. Anytime I would get emotional, they would always be there, taunting me, reminding me that I was weak.

I furiously wiped my eyes, trying to hide any reminder of the teardrops. I proceeded to pack the necklace back into the black pouch, and dropped it back into the backpack. I rummaged through the backpack, attempting to find the container in which my skincare supplies were stored. I let out a small victory cheer as soon as I spot the forest green container. I hurry over to the small bathroom, with my container in hand to get ready for the night.

Before I knew it, I was free-falling onto the extremely comfortable bed. I shifted and turned a little, trying to find the spot that was just right. It took a few minuets for me to find it, but as soon as I did, I let out a satisfactory sigh. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for a peaceful sleep.

But, would I really be telling you this if everything went according to the plan?

I let out an ear shattering scream, as I tried withered around, trying to escape. The tightly bound scarves were holding me in place, like I was a dangerous wild animal that needed to be held captive. A mixture of desperate sobs and screams were coming out from my mouth.

My father was standing a few feet away, looking down in shame. Every single time I let out a heart breaking scream, he would flinch. I had stopped asking him for help as soon as he was not going to help me. I had realized that he was just going to stand there, like a coward, unable to meet my eyes or respond to my anguished cry's.

Suddenly, a new body appeared behind him. With my blurred vision I was only able to identify a head full of luscious blonde hair. As she came closer to where I was held, I gasped in shock, I would have never have imagined that she would have been a part of this.