
Left n Right

As Kyn and Gaia traveled farther into the unexplored wilderness, the atmosphere in the forest took on a magical quality. Bertha, the wisp, hovered nearby, listening in on the upcoming exchange but saying nothing.

However, Kyn's thoughts were anything but peaceful. He struggled with conflicting emotions, curious about Gaia's clone but also wary of it. To distract himself from his thoughts, he coughed.

Kyn ,internally chastising himself,"Focus, Kyn. This isn't the time for such thoughts."

Bertha, sensing the tumult within Kyn, materialized as a shimmering presence beside him.

"As a hunter in her presence you'' need to understand this, your thoughts hold more power over you, more than you realize it. "

"What do you mean?" said a perplexed Kyn.

Bertha seemingly annoyed, "What you think about has an effect, an echo that travels far beyond your consciousness. The effects of malicious intent can extend beyond the body."

As a defense, "I can bet you one on this fact; I'm not thinking anything malicious."

Bertha, "Be careful, for your thoughts create your reality. And she's not it."

As the wisp's words lingered in the air, Kyn's eyes were drawn uncontrollably to the clone of Gaia, who was striding ahead with grace. I really do wish that would come true, Bertha's warnings rang true as his thoughts twirled just outside his awareness.

Gaia spoke up at that very moment, and her voice was like as ethereal as she seemed, capturing Kyn's attention.

Gaia playfully chimed in, "I can tell you are having an interesting debate, friends." Looking at Kyn, she asked, " So how do you normally spend your free time?"

Gaia's gentle movement, which revealed a glimpse of her exquisite shape through her clothing, briefly caught Kyn's attention, causing him to stumble over his words. Well, it only seemed al'natural as the lady herself was being to revealing. Think of it : I'd just jumped out of my daily life as a detective and now was playing BodyGuard to a mysterious goddess, at least she not overbearing … yet. If Lust could be personified, she'd place the first runners up after her Liege.

Kyn stifled and stumped, "Uh, I don't know. Simply ... keeping an eye out"

Gaia, who seemed quite quizzed, said, "So you like keeping watch?"

Clearing his throat ,"Yes, I do."

Gaia's movements slowed as she noticed a lovely blossom, its petals glittering in the fading light. The flower's colors mimicked the twilight palette of the sky, a subtle echo of the world's inherent beauty. She stooped down without hesitation to pluck the blossom from the dirt, her motions a tribute to her connection with the environment around her.

Kyn, caught in the middle of their conversation, couldn't help but notice Gaia. As she leaned forward to pluck the flower, the delicate curve of her gown showed a glimpse of her back. His heart raced, and a warm flush crept across his cheeks, his tough demeanor giving way to vulnerability for a brief moment.

He averted his eyes hastily, instantly conscious of the severity of his reaction. The forest appeared to hold its breath, as if acknowledging the unspoken bond that had developed between them.

Gaia ,standing while holding the flower, "Nature's beauty never ceases to amaze me."

Kyn clearing his throat, "Indeed, the world holds wonders beyond imagination."

Bertha, the wisp, twinkled with a knowing light, a silent watcher of Gaia and Kyn's exquisite word dance.

Gaia while turning around, "So are you free as of now?" She said with a smile that could kill the gods, she added, "You look a little bit sidetracked."

Kyn's heart was pounding, and his cheeks were red as he fought to calm down. She's definitely on to me. I swear by the gods; the moment I do finish this mission, I'm treating myself to a dive.

"It's not that," in an attempt to clear his name. The thought crossed his mind, What if she was the one trying to seduce him?

With a gentle laugh, Gaia added on "Do your thoughts always go this wild. I have no hidden agenda, for now. Hence to answer your questions; I'm definitely not a seductress but definitely I'm a tool."

Bertha, who now felt like a third wheel to the party, saw fit to impart some words of wisdom to the discussion, "Always keep in mind that your thoughts and actions have an effect far beyond what meets the eye. If you observe carefully, you can steer your way through life."

Gaia, seemingly annoyed, "True … But only if you have Power."

The dialogue hung in the air between them like the fine line between knowing and not knowing, while the forest wove its mysterious tapestry around them. Kyn's inner anguish subsided, and he developed a keener appreciation for the sway he could have over a magical and mysterious world through the strength of his own ideas.

A subtle alteration seemed to weave through the atmosphere as the voyage progressed. Gaia's presence took on a new aspect, with a tinge of enticement and mischief dancing in her eyes. Her movements grew more methodical, her gestures bearing a subtle elegance that drew Kyn's attention.

It's definitely on purpose. [>.<]

Bertha's brilliant figure shimmered closer to Gaia as she sensed the transition, her presence a gentle reminder of the strands that linked their fates.

Softly whispering, "Remember, my liege, mortal hearts are fragile and easily ensnared."

Gaia smirked, "Oh, Bertha, you're always the voice of caution, just like your tamer, Diogenes"

Bertha wisely, "Untempered desire can lead to pain. Mortals are motivated by passions, and their paths frequently cross with unintended consequences."

Despite the fact that Kyn was still absorbed in their new found adventure, he detected a subtle tension in the air, as if the very fabric of their reality was holding its breath.

Kyn, who felt inquisitive, asked ,"Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," the clone said with an enigmatic smile, "Just thinking about the intricacies of human aspirations."

Bertha continuing amid hushed tones, "Desire, Gaia, may be both beautiful and frightening. Keep in mind that he is mortal, and his heart is easily persuaded."

Kyn cast a gaze between them, his curiosity tinged with perplexity. As if fate itself was holding its breath, the landscape around them appeared to hum with an undercurrent of unsaid messages.

Gaia ,jokingly sighing, "Very good, Bertha. I will take your advice. You said it yourself ,'if he is mortal' then why are you here."

Bertha, seemingly feeling found out, she defended herself, "He's youthful and vibrant. Allow him to mature before unraveling the strings of his heart."

Looking directly into the wisp's eyes, she said, "I'm sure we both know that's a lie."

The moment appeared to linger, stuck in time, as the woodland murmured secrets and the wind bore the weight of what could not be said. The trio resumed their trip, each step taking them deeper into the complexities of the world and the nuances of the human heart, with a knowing gaze shared between Gaia and Bertha.

The delicate dance of desire and constraint played out beneath the sun's light as it fell below the horizon, spreading a cascade of hues over the sky, a monument to the delicate balance that existed between the mortal and the heavenly.