Natasha Romanoff

MC Pov

I put my forehead on hers because its easier to connect our minds like this, and I don't exactly have any experience in undoing brainwashing, the mind arts are difficult and I did pass the Master test but that doesn't mean I'm suddenly a pro, I just passed enough to be a master, which means a certain number of spells and proficiency in them.

The mind is a complicated thing I am going to be very careful in doing this, or we both turn into vegetables. Now there are a couple of reasons why I am doing this in the first place: One I pity her and see my past self in her, Two I get the practice I need in this, Three I might get a good ally from this, and Four, maybe, just maybe there is a small chance that she will start to have positive feelings for me even if I attacked them and she is currently in love with Banner. There is no rule you cant like 2 people at once, and Banner will leave her one way or another because he is a wuss and considers himself too dangerous for her to be around.

All that we will see after I fix what I can, plus Shield losing its top spy is too good of an opportunity to let it pass, it's even better if she does it willingly.

After I start the spell, the two of us find ourselves in an old-fashioned classroom.

So this is the infamous Red Room Academy.

She looks stunned, well I would be too if I was brought back to the start of my trauma.

"So what do we do now that we are here, are you just going to magically fix me?" she quickly composes herself

That's the problem right there, she does it too fast, it's like she is numbed from almost everything around her.

"This is your mind, you hold most of the power here, my job here is to guide and help you through your traumas and any brainwashing left. Since the spell brought us here, this is most likely the start of your trauma, and obviously, since it's a classroom the start of the brainwashing"

"Okay, that means what exactly? How do I start?" she patiently asks, she is still doubtful about what I say, but then so would I

" Think about your teachings, brainwashed people have a different sense of what's normal. I'm sure you know the general public is always slightly brainwashed by the government, the government decides what is normal and what is not, and the people follow it, not with full-on brainwashing, the victim won't even think they are making the wrong decision, you managed to undo some of it, but not all. I want you to focus on what you were thought here and we will discuss and fix what's planted in and what's not."

"Okay, the first few things that we were taught are how to fight, shoot, ballet, how to move gracefully, body conditioning. We were thought that the mission is everything and it must be completed.."

I interrupt her "Stop, you don't find anything wrong with that?"

Natasha Pov

"Well the mission is the most important thing they were training spies, and even now I complete all my missions" Its always been like this, I do it for the Greater Good

"Okay. first of all the most important thing is your life, there are rarely any missions worth sacrificing your life, or the life of innocents, I know from the old Shield reports, you were given missions where there might be a civilian casualty, didn't you find strange that you and only a handful of others were given these missions?" he asked me

"We are given those missions because we are the only one that can do them" he was a former spy he should know this stuff

"Natasha even if you are the best spy they have, you are a Russian former KGB agent, and I assume all the other agents are similar to you, if you have failed a mission they would blame you and just erase you, you are disposable, and the fact that you know this and still think that its normal should have started alarms in your head but didn't. This proves that you are still brainwashed." He says with absolute certainty

"But I... that's normal for spies" Isn't it?

"Yes being a spy is dangerous work, but being sent to all the dangerous jobs continually and not arguing or trying to get out of that situation isn't, spies are still human, do you think because you are one of the best that you deserve more work than the rest?

It should be the other way around the best are kept for the dangerous missions for a suitable reward, but since you were brainwashed it didn't matter if you were the best, you are untrustworthy, if you recovered, you could have turned on Shield, you were never given sensitive information and were always sent on the most deadly missions. I am not sure about your relationship with Clint Barton, he might be in on it.."

"That's a lie !!"

"..or be another victim?"

"What do you mean?"

"You are close to him right, he was the one that recruited you to Shield and you are close to his family" How does he know about that?


"Did it ever occur to you that the reason they are so far away and safe, is because they are hostages to keep Clint in check, they are safe because if they weren't Clint will go rouge, I am not sure whether he knows this or not.

You people underestimate how effective brainwashing and manipulation are, and it's because you were trained like this. Clint was a top graduate from Sheild Academy, his loyalty is unquestionable. But if it was, there was a contingency plan, and funnily enough Fury is the one that set up that house, not Clint himself, strange how the guy who knew you were brainwashed and did nothing, also knows about Clints 'safehouse' where his family stays"

" I.. I.."

"You need to face reality, Fury does what is best for him, and he does what the government tells him to do. Shield has saved many lives, yes, but it's also the cause of many deaths, The Tesseract, Fury had to play with alien technology that caused the Invasion, then had the balls to call 'The Avengers' to fix his mess, which he already conveniently planed to assemble just in case something threatened the earth. And you by doing so not that I blame you guys personally, basically announced that earth has the potential to face armies from other planets, and now Earth is currently in the spotlight because they know the Tesseract was once here. Job well done Fury, don't you think so."

... Everything he said was right, he said it from his negative standpoint on Shield but it's right. All these years, it was always me that went in and got the job done, 'Black Widdow did this, She got the best results, Job well done, Only she could have done it' I used to wear it with pride, but now, I risked my life god knows how many times for what, recognition? from them?

I'm 31, I have no one in my life except Clint, no other friends, no lover, no children, I can't give birth but I always could have adopted, why didn't I?

Thoughts like these continued to surface. I start to panic the room starts shaking, my entire life was empty and all a lie.

"Natasha!!" he grabs my shoulders and yells at me, I immediately lookup

"Breathe, focus on my voice, breathe in... and out, in.. and out" I start calming down, my godforsaken training helps

"Did you calm down" I just give a small nod to that, I can feel that I'm still in shock

"Good, now that you realized what's been done to you, we can begin fixing you" he pulls me up and gives me a smile that I won't forget anytime soon

Word Count 1369

Continuing this next chap