Sky is in the ballet studio now because it's Monday. She taught 6 hours everyday, three hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon and she taught different students. Many want to learn ballet so many children enroll in her lesson. Her ballet lesson is only 6 months, but it depends on how fast the children learn.

"Teacher Sky, what pet do you want?" asked Vie, one of the students

They have rest time for 20 minutes so children can do what they want to do. After Sky swallowed what she ate first and then she answered that question.

"A lot of pet I want, but my favorite is cat, why did you ask?"

"So did you have a cat last time? eh where is that? "

"Ahmm, it's not mine Vi, I just saw it on the road and the owner took him already"

"Oh, it's sad, teacher Sky."

"That's okay Vi, maybe next time I'll have a cat"

"I hope so teacher Sky"

After they talked they resumed what they were eating. Sky just thought if she could afford to buy a cat, she has wanted it for a long time but she still doesn't have time to buy it.

"Okay kids, are you finished eating your snacks? Can we start now?" Sky said to her students, it seemed like everyone was done resting so she thought of starting her lesson again.

"Yes teacher" everyone replied

"Okay okay, come on now"

While Sky was teaching, someone rang the doorbell so she looked at the door.

"Just continue kids, I'll just see who rang the doorbell"

So Sky quickly went and opened the door to find out who it was.

"Hello? is this the studio of Ms. Sky Amber Lee? " asked the person who rang the doorbell and it was a mailman

"Ahm, that's me, what do they need?" Sky asked the mailman back

The mailman handed her a small white envelope, "Please just sign it here" the mailman said to her, after Sky signed it, the mailman left so Sky closed the door.

Sky wondered what was in that envelope so she just opened it. And it contained an invitation card, an invitation from a charity.

(Ms. Sky Amber Lee,

You are invited to attend our little celebration of our 15th year on 21st of November. Again your presence is expected to arrive. Thanks a lot!

Angel Smile Foundation)

Sky just smiled when she read that invitation. She never thought she would be able to attend their anniversary again. The Angel Smile Foundation is a charity that helps even in small things. Sky has a lot of fun with charity kids. So she can't refuse and she's really going to be there. The Angel Smile foundation also receive many donations from various companies. Sky also volunteered for that charity so somehow it got closer to her.


"Mayson, you will be the one to attend the Angel Smile Foundation celebration next month, I have an out of town business meeting so I can't go then" said Mr. Wen Qin to his son

"Huh? I can't be a dad, we have training starting tomorrow "Mayson replied to his father

Mayson is in the office now and facing his father. The Qin's family owns one of the most popular and most fragrant perfumes in the country. And Mayson is one of the managers there.

"It's just one day, maybe that won't affect your training?"

"Even dad, I still can't, just let Calvin go"

"You are my eldest son, and one of the managers of this company"

"But dad ....."

"There's no but's Mayson, you can leave, just don't forget what I said"

Mayson immediately left his father's office. He no longer denied what his father had said. He just sat on the couch in his office and shook his head.

*Knock knock*

He looked at the door and only his secretary knocked.

"Excuse me sir Mayson, I just need your signature on these papers"

"Just put it on my desk"

"And sir, I will also put the invitation card from the Angel Smile Foundation"

Mayson just nodded to his secretary and his secretary left.

Mayson moved to his swivel chair to sign the papers his secretary had brought. Mayson only needs to sign five folders per day. After he signed it, he opened the envelope with an invitation from the charity. He read what was written there. They are primary donors of that foundation so somehow, even one in there family member will attend. He also saw familiar names like family of Mr. Zac Chiu, and family of Archer Cheng.

But she also noticed the name Sky Amber Lee. Suddenly his forehead furrowed. He wasn't sure if they were just the same person, Sky and this Sky Amber Lee. Sky's name is on the list of volunteers and also her friend Emery Liang.

*message pop up

[Hi Mayson, its me Riley, can I invite you for coffee?]

Riley Tang, she was Mayson's ex girlfriend. Their relationship also lasted a long time. They also became engaged but did not proceed to the wedding due to some issue back then. Now that Riley has returned to China from overseas, she will try again to get Mayson's heart to come back to her.

[To Riley: Okay]

Mayson only sparingly replied to her. Inevitably there is still annoyance that Mayson feels for Riley because of what happened to them.

*message pop up

[From Riley: Really? Let's meet at the café we always go to before, 3 pm, see you]

Mayson did not reply to his ex anymore. He just shook his head again.

"Maysonnnnn !!" Calvin shouted from outside Mayson's office

Mayson just gasped at what he heard. Because his naughty brother is in the office again. Calvin opened the door of Mayson's office and sat down on the couch.

"What do you need Calvin?"

"Hmm, nothing, I just came here to lie down on your couch"

"What is it?! IM busy"

"Hot -headed right away? anyways Riley and I met earlier "


"We just talked for a while then she left as well"


"Huh? no reaction at all?! "


"Okay, that's it, I'm leaving bye"

Calvin left immediately after he told the news that he and Riley had just met who was supposed to be his sister-in-law and just to tease his brother of course.


(At Zoie's Apartment)

"How many times I told you bro that I dont go formal parties" Zoie told her brother who went to her apartment to invite her to join them in the Angel Smile Foundation celebration.

Because their family is one of the secondary donors to that charity. They also helped a lot in that charity so every year they attend whatever celebration there is.

"But Z" is what Zac calls his sister when he encourages and sit beside Zoie, "Dad also told me to take you now"

"Hayss! brother just calm down, I'll take care of daddy "

"Z, everything is okay, especially the clothes—"

Zoie interrupted what Zac was going to say. Zoie already knew what he wanted to convey. Zac knew that his sister did not like such things. He knew his sister was uncomfortable at formal parties especially the ones they wore. Because Zoie always reasoned that evening dresses or gowns were not suitable for her.

"Hephep! I couldn't do it then brother, ahmm that day is an adjustment day of my braces "said Zoie to her brother

"Dr. Chen is your dentist right? She will also attend that day, so you don't have adjustment that day Z "

"Hmmm I still have work to do at school brother, yes I still have school papers"

"Z, whatever the reason you have, you still need to come with us, you still have a few days, if you want, you can decide what to wear, you'll take care of it and tell me right away okay?" Zac told his sister and he messed her hair and Zac left Z's apartment

"But brother——" Zoie would have said something more but Zac had already left his apartment, Zoie have no choice but to come to the said party.


(At the Café)

Sky finished her ballet lesson early so she thought of going to the café first because she would just buy her favorite Latte Coffe. Sky's comfort food is latte coffee or bubble tea and chocolate cake. She first took a cab to get there and just 10 minutes later he arrived at Seesaw Coffee immediately.

The cafe is a nice place, it looks expensive to look at but what they sell is affordable. Also safe and just right for those who want to have coffee dates. It is also suitable for those who like to be alone and like to meditate or who like to study on their own. When Sky got there it wasn't very crowded so the queue wasn't that long.

"Good afternoon maam, I already know what you want, Latte and chocolate cake, Dine in or take out please?" the staff asked with a smile while talking to Sky, Sky often goes to Seesaw Cafe so the other staff there already know her.

"Hmm just take out for now" Sky replied and she also smiled back, just a few minutes later Sky got her order so she said goodbye to the staff, "Thank you" Sky added

The staff just smiled and said "Youre welcome maam, come again"

While Sky was walking out of the cafe, she stabbed the Latte with a straw. Someone called her cellphone, so she searched it while walking, when she was close to the door she didn't notice that someone was there so she bumped into it and even spilled the coffee she was holding.

Sky was also surprised because her coffee was thrown at the person she met and it was still hot so she also got burnt. But she was even more surprised because Mayson was the person she had spilled her coffee with.

"Oh my god! im sorry im sorry, i didn't mean to bump into you "

Sky immediately took her handkerchief to wipe the coffee spilled on Mayson's clothes. Sky was uncomfortable because they were in a public place and she had already bumped into Mayson twice.

Mayson was silent for a few seconds and just stared at Sky at what she was doing with his clothes. "That's enough"

"I'm really sorry, I'm not careful"

Sky was still wiping when Mayson grabbed his wrist to stop. Sky looked at Mayson, Mayson's face was serious but Sky's face was like a child begging him not to scold her.

"Next time be careful" Mayson said to Sky who still looked serious, Sky immediately nodded at what Mayson said

"Mayson?" a woman calls behind him

Mayson immediately turned to the person who called his name, but Mayson didn't notice that he was still holding Sky's wrist so Riley was surprised at what she saw.

"I'm sorry Riley, my girlfriend's coffee spilled on me" Mayson said to Riley

Sky's eyes widened at what Mayson said, so she just looked at Mayson, Sky was supposed to speak when Mayson asked him out of the café while Riley was still standing there and couldn't believe what Mayson said.

"What are you saying Mr. Mayson? Which girlfriend are you referring to? " Sky asked Mayson when they got to Mayson's car

"Who threw coffee on my clothes?" Mayson asked back

"I just spilled coffee on you, but I'm not your girlfriend"

"Don't worry, I don't want you either,that's just my way to leave"

"You can think of other excuses and it looks like you surprised that person with what you said"

"Well I already said"

Sky just sighed, she didn't know what the person in front of her was thinking now.

"I'm sorry again, I'm leaving" said Sky, Sky should have left when Mayson stopped her

"Get on, it's already night"

"I'll just book a cab, Thanks for the offer"

"Just choose, you will go with me or you will pretend to be my girlfriend"


"I'm easy to talk to"

"Are you crazy? or how many times did the ball hit you in the head! "

Mayson knew that Sky was already disgusted with what he was saying. But he still continued to tease.

Sky also spent a few minutes thinking about his decision. She just went home with Mayson, Sky knew it would be difficult to book a cab at that place, she just really didn't want to go with Mayson but she had no choice, and of course she also didn't want to be Mayson's girlfriend because it was a big issue.

While on the trip, the two of them were quiet, Sky was just looking outside because she was awkward to be with Mayson.

"She's my ex" said Mayson who immediately broke the silence of the two of them

"I'm not asking"

"Just so you know why I said that"


"Anyways, thanks that you take good care of my cat last time"

And they both fell silent again. Mayson just focused on driving. Soon they arrived at Sky's house. Sky immediately removed his seatbelt and got out of the car, before he closed the car door he said something else.

"Thank you" said Sky and she closed the door and quickly opened their gate and entered their house.

Mayson also drove home to them. They were also caught at night due to traffic and due to an argument between the two of them.

When Sky entered their house, her grandmother was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Sky, your father is coming home tomorrow"

"Okay grandma"

"Tell Sander, huh? so that your father can be with you "

Sky just nodded to her grandmother, Sky couldn't get rid of him that she was still little annoyed with his father.

Their father has a business in another town so Sky understands this. But she just couldn't understand why he loved his new girlfriend even more than his children.

"Sky" said her grandmother while holding Sky's hand, "I know you're still upset with your father but can you forget that first?"

"Mmm" Sky nodded at the same time

Her grandmother also just smiled, since Sky and Sander were young, they were in the control of her grandmother because their mother disappeared immediately when Sky was born.

"Grandma, I'm tired I just go to my room"

"Okay Sky"

When Sky entered her room, she immediately laid her body down, closed her eyes first and then suddenly her tears flowed. She couldn't help but think that she was feeling too heavy.

"I don't understand why you'd rather be with your new one than us your children" Sky's murmured, while her tears still didn't stop dripping.

Until she fell asleep because of her crying. Later, Sky's grandmother peeked into her room, when she saw that Sky was asleep, she slowly entered and sat on Sky's bed.

"I just don't want that day to come when I'm gone, there's still anger in your heart" Melly said in a low voice just so that Sky wouldn't wake up, Melly couldn't help but cry a little because of what she said so she wiped her eyes quickly, and she just adjusted Sky's blanket and left Sky's room as well.

The next day, was the day Sky's father arrived, Melly woke up early to prepare breakfast for her grandchildren and her son.

*Ding dong**Ding dong*

When Melly heard the doorbell she immediately went to their gate to open the person outside.

"Ma" said Steven Lee, Melly's only child

"Come in son" Melly said

A few years later, her son came home to them. There is also communication through WeChat. Steven immediately hugged his mother before entering the house.

Steven is with his new girlfriend, Mina. They first sat on the couch in the living room, they were not married even though they had been in a relationship for several years, Steven was more than eight years apart from Mina.

"I'll just wake Sky" Melly said goodbye to her guests and went to Sky's room

He slowly sat on Sky's bed, "Sky, Sky"

Sky just scratched her head because her Grandma Melly woke her up. The sunlight hits Sky a little so she closes her eyes a little.

"Goodmorning grandma"

"Goodmorning my beautiful Sky"

"What time is it?"

"It's eight in the morning Sky,so let's get up and have breakfast"

Sky just nodded and got up and followed her grandmother out of the room, Sky stretched even more when she came out of the room when she noticed there were people on the couch in the living room sitting.

But Sky didn't bother them anymore and she immediately went to the table where their breakfast was ready. Sky remembers that her grandmother told her that tell Sander to go home because their father was at home.

Calling Sander ...

[Hey?] Sander replied on the other line

"Go home first"

[Why, did something happen?]

"Grandma said come home first"

[Okay, I'll just have breakfast there]


Sky turned off the call and drank the milk prepared by her grandmother. Melly has already called her son Steven and his girlfriend Mina to have breakfast.

Sky doesn't say a word during breakfast but her grandmother and her father exchange stories. Not long after, Sander arrived just as they were having breakfast.

"Sander, come have breakfast too" Melly said to Sander and Sander immediately sat down next to Sky

"How are you son?" Steven asked Sander while having breakfast

"I'm fine" Sander replied

"How's your restaurant?"

"There are still many customers"

And silence prevailed at their dining table. Steven knew that his children had a problem with him, but he ignored them and decided to keep quiet. But Sander as the eldest, he need to understood the situation because he knew that what they had before could not be returned.

"Ahmm, Steven, son, you've been with Mina for a long time, when do you plan to get married?"

Steven smiled at his mother's question, "That's why we came here to tell you our plan."

But Sky felt even heavier at what she heard, she just kept herself because at any moment her tears will fall. Sky just held on tightly to the glass of milk that he was supposed to drink but she did not continue because of the conversation she heard. Sander noticed that, so Sander simply took Sky's other hand to let his sister know that she had to calmed down.

"Pa?" Sander calls his father while his father is having breakfast


"Can you visit mama's grave?"

Steven was stunned by what Sander said to him, he didn't immediately say a word and he first looked at Sky who was resuming his breakfast again.

"Ummm, of course son, I would have planned that too" Steven just smiled embarrassingly

"You really don't have any plans to go" Sky murmured after drinking her milk and she got up from her seat, "excuse me, I'm full, I still have work to do in the studio today"

Sky turned around when Steven called out to him, "Sky!"

Sky did not face her father when he called her. But Steven stood up and went in front of Sky, but Sky didn't look at him.

"I know you're still mad at me but—"

"Of course"

"What are you upset about ?!" Steven's voice had grown louder as he faced Sky

Sky looked up to look at his father, Sky couldn't control himself anymore, his tears that he had been holding back had already fallen because she's already upset.

"What makes me angry? Should you be asking me that? Who left us just for his own pleasure ?! Who is the father who left his children and put his new flirtation first ?! " Sky's voice was also strengthened by his words, Sky wiped his tears first but it still continued to fall, "You do work, but not for us your children, but still thank you, because you left us in good hands. Don't worry, I won't leave Grandma like you did "