Family life

Once he stepped into the door the flash of the life he had not through about for the last week came flying back to him, remembering how bad it was he shut down and froze at the door right away without a way out.

only as he saw his sister walk towards him did he come back from his own mind this is always his life he hid and only lived for his sister and mother that was it, his life was to protect others and that's all he could remember doing.

But he remembered how it was different now not only did he have a real father in his mind and memories from the dead mercenary and he now could see like a curtain had been lifted on his life and he now saw how bad his dad was without any affection or love he had grown up as half a man without goals or a path in life.

But the father in his mind his real dad which even in him mind he had started referring to as his dad not the man on the couch, this was because even when the mercenary was down when he was hurt and when he did not want to continue trying his dad was there to lift him up and support him, helped him through the tough times with a nice smile and a positive attitude it was a way that you did not want to let him down as he believed not in the man he saw in front of him but in the man he knew you would become.

Suddenly he noticed how drastically it had affected his personality to have a father that was an incomplete person and too far removed from being a father that he would no longer call him dad and started to subconsciously call him Smith his first name and nothing else.

William saw he was unbalanced and would lash out at people no matter what happened even the most insignificant things would make him mad and uncontrollable it was how he got into fight all the time at his school and even then smith did not care it numbed he or so he thought but it really broke him down and he vowed from this point forward to only let his real father influence him and not this shell of a drunk.

After hugging his crying sister and explaining to his mum what happened and waiting throw her tears as she cried and wept for him he had to pretend to care as he knew he went throw something crazy and dangerous but that is not what she was crying for and thus he did not feel the same.

"hey mum ill be in my room Susie ill see you later" he addressed his mum and sister and walked as quite as he could to him room as he could not act anymore about this he needed out.

when looking out the window he noticed it was getting dark again as it was winter it was dark by five but as the darkness fell on his eyes he stared out at the tree and started to try and talk to it but he could not talk to it, this surprised him as when there where lots of trees he could talk to them with little to no problem but he could not with the one he had grew up next to.

'I need to get another root as I had to ditch the one I had before the cops came' he felt incomplete without a root wrapped around his body after he had felt he first root he wrapped around his body.

As the last of the light faded he saw his reflection starting to show in the window illuminated by the light behind him he wondered as he looked at the antler like things that he had dubbed horns.

"why did they not mention anything about my appearance" he started to almost always talk out loud as he had dark to talk to and sometimes dark had strange insights about his powers.

Climbing out the window he walked to the massive tree that was about three times his size high and ten people wide it was so big that the house was build around the tree as it was here before the house was, it was left over from a massive forest but at the time the forest was cleared it was a sapling and someone left it thinking it would not grow that big, they where so wrong but the tree was not that tall anymore as it was but to make sure the limbs it would drop would not hit the house.

Bending down to the ground he picked up a root that was laying on the surface and pulled it off the tree, as it was so thick he pulled the thickest part off the root and kept only the piece that was as thickest three of his fingers in diameter as it was easy to hid in his clothes and was still about 5 meters long so it was more then long enough.

After wrapping it around his body he slumped his back against the tree and sighed as it felt better so much so that it was like a dug as he knew he could control this and it was powerful in his hands but it was more then that once he took the root he could not just influence it he could completely control it like it was his own arm.

He heard voices coming from inside the house so he quickly moved to get back in the window but just as he was about to he stopped as the voices stopped not to far away from his door but did not come in.

"hey Hun are you ok" asked his mother

"I am ok mum just a little tired" he replied to quell the situation, he would move himself back into his room but he could not guarantee he would not make weird sounds that would make his mother open the door and peer in to check on him so he continued to stand outside the window facing the door while waiting for her to move away.

After a while of silence his mother walked away saying rest well.

moving in the window he heard her voice as she moved away even when she must have been on the other side of the house he could still hear her not anyone else or the television but her voice showing one how powerful his body had become as all the walls had new sound proofing that before when the door was closed you would almost have to yell to hear each other and secondly how much he put importance on his mother as he was sure a fight was about to start with smith so he kept his ears open to make sure if it got out of hand he could step in before it was too late.

Thankfully this time it did not as his mother seemed not to want to start anything tonight and just went to her room and that is as far as he listened too.

Slowly as he sunk into his bed he drifted off slowly falling deeper into his dreams, he relieved his fights and movement each and every second of it no matter how insignificant it was he would play it over and over until he had thought out every possible solution until he was murdered by the wendigo as he did not see the shadow in time, waking in a startle he was sweeting while his vision blurred as his eyes shaken as he looked this had never happened before to him, he wanted to scream but held it back as he did not want to alert everyone so he held his tongue.

He was shocked by what happened as he did not know why he obsessed with the fight and every little detail he thought it was PTSD as he had read about it but it seemed off as he could tell where he was it was not that he was re living it but agonising over details and possibilities that could have happened and how he would deal with it instead.

He suddenly knew where he had felt this before as when he lived the mercenaries life and experienced it from his eyes he remembered many nights after a mission doing the same thing little sleep and all the possibilities that could happen sharpening his skills for the next mission but also torturing him self about it.

He figured out throw a lot of trial and error and talks with his father that when he did not try and restrict this part of his mind but tired to go down the rabbit hole with it he would not be tortured as much at night and it would not get to an extreme and he could control it more but it did not help his feeling of being tortured by it even more so when after a mission he would look at his family and see how he could kill them no matter where he was some points it would get so graphic he would have to look away and close his eyes to stop it otherwise he did not know how long he would have gone before giving up.