Chapter 13

When he got used to being in the room again he looked at the door and saw it shut he did not know how he got back into his room as the last thing he remembered was looking at the sky and thinking about what had happened to him before the mercenaries life flooded his consciousness and he lost himself to the life of the mercenary.

He did not know why he lost himself so fast but he did not want to think about it anymore so he focused on the memories themselves and realised how dire the situation he found himself in, the group Ourobourus was the tip of the iceberg as he saw how long the trails of bodies the group and the captured creatures it housed was.

The group was effective in finding secret civilisations and not only documenting what they had found but had managed to put into use over 5 % of the total artifacts this may not seem like a lot but most of the artefacts still are beyond human comprehension and just studying them had furthered their technological developments by decades so being able to use in its entirety even 5% was a major success and thinking about how they had gotten artefacts from as far back as 12,000 years ago from all over the world made him shudder as the number of ruins they had unearthed lead far above the tens of thousands.

What really made his sense of urgency grow was the fact of other stones being out there in the world some stones even in his memories were surrounded by myth and legend but was always reassured to him was very real after all looking throughout time you can see mentions of the red stone being used to change and affect humans on a large scale from the legends of the werewolves being created by Zeus due to king Lycaon's hubris in thinking he could test the king of the gods served human flesh to him and as a result, was transformed into a beast half man half wolf and lost all sense of self this, as well as the epic of Gilgamesh, is seen as the first use of the red stones to create a desired effect and simultaneously it is also the recording of multiple fragments of the stones as in the epic of Gilgamesh and the story of King Lycaon more then one was turned into a werewolf at the same time meaning either someone controlled the whole process or more lickley feed multiple fragments to many people as the fragments as they are divided keep about 50 % of the original power no matter how many fragments are broken off the only reason Ourobours did not break off fragments is that it would take the energy equzalent to a nuclear bomb concentrated to do so.

But just knowing that there are more stones out there is a possibility for multiple of the same stone to be around scared him to no end as he knew first-hand how powerful the stone of devouring was.

Knowing that more groups converted the stones and more power through controlling those crazy beasts some of which have not even been recorded as upon its release it had killed everyone leaving no one to record what had happened.

He made up his mind after thinking for a long time that he must take up the role of the protector and make sure no one can abuse this power as if they do it could mean the end of the world as we know it.

Sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands he contemplated what should be his first step and how he could find what organisation was in Australia as he knew there had to be one at least if not multiple like in Europe.

No matter what he thought he could not find a good starting point as he could not even discover a trace of the organisations but that was what he had expected after all out of the 7 billion people on this earth no one had found out about the other side of this world by googling alone in their room, he knew he would have to get his hands dirty to start this but that raises the question what would be the best idea would it be to look for people that work in the organisation or the monsters that they hunt, he could not decide in the end so he went to the only person who seemed to be knowledgable about myths and still believed in them up till today.

Yes, he would have to find the man in the woods again.

"Damn I can't remember that guys name, did he even tell me his name... shit I don't think he did all he said was Anansi, well that's the best lead I have so far so I guess it's a start."