Black dawn

The sword came down with black tendrils flowing from the hilt.

Dyeing the silver blade black.

The black blade sliced clean through a bunyips neck.

A shocked William stared at the now black blade.

Before he could think about it, a bunyip took a bite out of the bunyip he had just killed, almost taking his head with it.

He leaped back, slashing up, taking a gash out of its eye. The shadows enveloped William and helped him in the battle with the bunyips.

As the moon was at its highest, the battlefield slowed. William looked out upon all the unstoppable creatures he had vanquished and smiled to himself, a long, big smile.

As he walked the field with littered half-eaten bunyips.

He grasped his fists, feeling the power the shadows lent his muscles and bones.

William basked in the moonlight with a warm glow on him.

"I don't hear anything" All was silent.