Chapter 8 : Using Jade Eye

Chi Ai made her plan, logging on to the computer she began writing an information and treatment plan for various diseases.

She came from the future and she knows many advanced solutions, it was a piece of pie for her. Completing her report she sends it to Dun Xiling Institute.

She laid on her bed, thinking about the novel she was in, a glint passed by her eyes which was fleeting.

She slowly fell asleep.

The next day, Chi Ai and Ning Bei were having their breakfast,

All of a sudden Chi Ai said " Mom I think we should settle somewhere else "

Ning Bei was shocked, " Why so is there any problem? Do you dislike this place or someone bullied you?"

Chi Ai gazed at Ning Beiand said " Mom next month we will move out from here, it is not safe for us. "

Ning Bei couldn't help but say " Ai what happened to you from past two days you are behaving weirdly."

Chi Ai was still calm," Mom I don't want anything to happen to you."

" Nothing with happen to me Ai, by the way, tomorrow I am going to get a promotion" Ning Bei said while smiling.

'Promotion?' In the original novel, this event happened but due to Chi Ai she wasn't able to get it.

"Congratulations mom, " Chi Ai said.

" So Ai, I am going to stay here for long, and we can't move out for few years," Ning Bei said.

Chi Ai smiled and said nothing, time will tell whether there is a need or not to move out.

Chi Ai reached school while passing by she heard a conversation,

A fat girl said, " Did you hear that Tang li the school goddess of Elite High School, had her banquet party the day before yesterday."

Since Elite High School and No. 1 High School were at a close distance, they get to know every gossip.

Another girl said, " Yup, it was a grand party, but in the middle of the banquet there was some problem with the chandelier, it dropped all of sudden."

Hearing this Chi Ai was not shocked, after all, in the original Chi Ai was the one who saved Tang li that night, but yet no one appreciated her.

Even some despised her thinking she was the one who did all of this.

The fat girl said, " Ya I know she is admitted in a hospital, doctors are saying that she won't be able to get out of bed for 2 months."

They continued chatting but Chi Ai started walking towards school while thinking.

She had a dream yesterday it was so surreal.

She saw herself at the banquet party, a girl's back was facing her, on her top was a chandelier, the chandelier all of sudden dropped and she ran to save the girl.

In the end, she got in an accident, while the girl was seeing her with disdain.

She got admitted to the hospital and her mother have to stay with her throughout the period, resulting in canceling the promotion.

She was admitted to the hospital for 2 months and missed her exam even though she prepared very hard for exams.

She was a genius but concealed it so that Tang li could shine, thinking that one day they will accept her but this was her wishful thinking...

In the first lecture, it was the maths teacher Zhou Xiao who hates the Chi Ai the most. And surprisingly she was Zhou Ping's mother who bullies Chi Ai.

Zhou Xiao was an unreasonable teacher, she likes to punish children from an ordinary background.

Chi Ai was paying attention to the lecture when Zhou Xiao called her name " Chi Ai"

"Yes," Chi Ai said calmly.

"You are not paying attention to the class, go out and stand," Zhou Xiao said.

"I was paying attention to the lecture, you can ask any question, I will answer." Chi Ai said

" You..... Okay, good very good now you think you are too knowledgeable. Tell me how are you going to equate this sum" Zhou Xiao said. This question was difficult and she had not taught it yet.

She was waiting for Chi Ai to make herself a joke, everyone present couldn't help but show pity towards her.

The deskmate of Chi Ai was pulling her sleeve showing her solution so that she won't have problems while solving. She smiled and said nothing.

Chi Ai walked toward the blackboard and solved the problem, to be honest, original Chi Ai could have done it too, but she never had the courage to backtalk, Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao stared at the solution, even though she didn't want to admit but she admired the solution, it was short and simple.

Everyone present was shocked, it was a simple and short solution with no-nonsense steps.

Still, Zhou Xiao was dissatisfied with her, she said " Go to your seat and pay attention to the lecture"

Chi Ai stared at Zhou Xiao calmly, Zhou Xiao remained calm on the surface but a chill ran down her spine.

Chi Ai sat in her seat, throughout the lecture Zhou Xiao was feeling uncomfortable as if some draggers were passing through.

Well, this was all due to Chi Ai who was using her jade eyes.