Chapter 10: Mu Yan

" Oh is this Chi Ai, the bootlicker of Ning Family? What are you doing here, don't you know this Cafe is costly? Are you here to bootlick someone? How cheap" said the girl with a disgusted expression.

Chi Ai calmly turned around, gazing at the girl who had heavy makeup on.

This girl Mu Yan is a friend of Tang Li, or to be precise Tang Li's one of the minions.

She has a bad habit of bullying weak or enemies of Tang li.

Tang li was as pretentious as her mother, it won't be an understatement to say that the daughter is on par with her mother

Of course, Chi Ai couldn't forget Mu Yan, because she was the first person to push to Chi Ai's demise.

Mu Yan belongs to Mu Family, the Mu family is far inferior to the Ning family to curry favor Mu Yan would do everything Tang Li would say.

In the original novel, after getting discharged from the hospital Chi Ai missed the exam, she had to repeat a year, during this year Mu Yan would come and bully her.

The point was, not only would she bully she would hire gangsters to molest her.

The side character Chi Ai was so frightened that she didn't get out of her room for 2 days. And later Mu Yan.....

'Mu Yan so we met this fast, interesting' Chi Ai said to herself.

When Mu Yan was being impatient for a reply Chi Ai indifferently glanced at her and said

" Anything else?"

"Anything else, seriously Chi Ai do you have got the guts to act aloof in front of me, I am telling you....." Before she could say anything else Chi Ai walked away.

Chi Ai was not bothered about her, a sharp glint flashed through her eyes.

She would deal with this Mu Yan with her own hand.

Chi Ai was 100% sure that if wanted she could bankrupt these families by hacking, there were many ways for easy revenge, such as hacking their dirty secret, leaking their company's confidential information, or even getting help from the big shots.

All of this could be done by her simple talent of hacking.

But she wanted to torture them as they did to her family in the original novel.

Her facts were always clear, torture them in the same way they tortured you.

She will build her power, network, and empire, and confront the mastermind.

" Chi Ai did you eat the courage of tiger, how dare you ignore me, Chi Ai I am talking to you, ok pretend to be aloof just you wait, I will see you. You are a bitch Chi Ai. In fact not only you that mother of yours is bitch...."

All of sudden a slap resounded halfway, Mu Yan who was on the ground due to the power of the slap was shocked.

This time Chi Ai didn't hold back, she kicked her and squatted down, raising her mouth with her index finger as she said each and every word with a hint of anger and madness in her eyes.

"Tell one more word about my mother, see if I don't chop your tongue. Yes, I am a bitch but not more than you. About bootlicking, in the family where profits are a priority their love is called bootlicking, don't compare me to your family."

She paused for a while and added, " And I don't need the courage to confront dogs."

Chi Ai stood up walked towards the private room, just as she was about to enter the private room, she heard Mu Yan said,

"Chi Ai quit being smug, I will get my revenge on you, just you wait " saying so Mu Yan didn't stay there for long.

She was frightened that Chi Ai would beat her up.

Chi Ai smirked and said to herself "Let's see if you are able to"

She didn't plan to take revenge on a specific person, whoever delivered themself to Chi Ai, she would start from them.

She is a gruesome person who would remember her grudge, that is why she locked Dr.Luo in a capsule forever.

Mu Yan would never think that her demise was all due to appearing in front of Chi Ai. After many years she would regret her decision of meeting Chi Ai that day. This all would happen in the future.

Chi Ai waited for the four siblings, soon the four siblings entered, however, every single of them have a gloomy air around them.

She could guess they were upset, and she was not surprised because she knew that they would have some upsetting thing in their life.

The four siblings sat down and stared at each other, before immersing in their own world.

" So brother Zhong, how was it? did everything got sorted?" Chi Ai asked.

He was the only one who was not gloomy.

"Yes, it did," he said.

"And three of you might have encountered some problems, am I right?" Chi Ai asked while glancing at them.

Ning Zhou said pitifully " Sister Ai, we don't know why once we get rid of a problem another problem arises. Please don't take us as a trouble-maker."