Chapter 35 : Jun Yichen's Story

Maybe Mrs. Jun was the only one who believed or maybe she always watched her as her daughter, Chi Ai had an attachment towards her.

Chi Ai and Mrs. Jun meet each other online.

To be honest Chi Ai knew Mrs. Jun before their meeting, in the original novel Mrs. Jun is the mother of the villain.

The original novel has yet to be started.

If she remembered correctly when Tang Li will be 21 years old the novel plot will start.

Currently, Tang Li is 18 years olds and Chi Ai has 3 years to change everyone's fate.

The original novel is about a group spoiling to Tang Li by Tang Li's brother and of course male lead Yan Zihao.

Her eyes darkened thinking about the reason why she was in hurry to make them move out.

In the original novel, when Tang Li met the male lead by then the living condition and psychological condition of the Ning siblings, her mom, Uncle, and original Chi Ai's were utterly destroyed.

However, they once tried asking for help from Tang Li but the male lead blocked them and made their life more miserable.

It was evident that Tang Li didn't want to help them.

When the male lead and Tang Li were about to get married, Ning Zhou and Chi Ai were sold as prostitutes.

And when the male lead and Tang Li had a baby, by then Ning Zhou and Chi Ai were dead, with Ning brothers going crazy.

But at the time of the death of Chi Ai, Jun Yichen had visited her and Ning Zhou.

Jun Yichen is the villain of the novel.

The reason for his visit was Ning Zhou that had loved Yan Zihao before and Jun Yichen wanted to see who the little girl was.

In the end, viewing Chi Ai and Ning Zhou in miserable Jun Yichen wanted to help them out but that night they both died.

Jun Yichen never admitted but he was sorrowful, he admired Chi Ai however due to insufficient time they never got too much involved.

Back to why Jun Yichen became villain is because in the past Mrs. Jun was murdered by Yan Zimo father of Yan Zihao.

When Chi Ai got to know about Mrs. Jun she hacked her information and got to know that she was the villain's mom.

Since the villain had genuinely wanted to help her, she decided to help the villain too.

The villain was described as handsome, tall, wealthy, and propertied.

But the only problem was that he had a sharp tongue and a vicious heart or in other words, he was a heartless person.

Mrs. Jun was trying to find a miracle doctor to cure his husband, but before could find someone she died in one of the conspiracies.

Jun Yichen was only 21 years old when her mother passed out, he loved his mother the most.

Probably his mother was the only one he was most loyal but she was snatched by him.

After the demise of his mother, his father wasn't able to hold it long and he too died.

21-year-old Jun Yichen then understood the power struggle, he became vicious, ruthless, and gloomy.

Jun Yichen was never a bright character and had an overbearing aura around him but the death of his parent was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

His original demeanor became terrifyingly gloomy.

This was Jun Yichen's story.

And his destruction started with the demise of Mrs. Jun.

If she stopped the original plot, Jun Yichen would live a peaceful life.

Thinking so Chi Ai turned towards Mrs. Jun and said to Mrs. Jun,

"Mrs. Jun I want to remind you right now you are at the most vulnerable state, casting them aside now will only give them time to attack you later."

As expected Mrs. Jun's face paled, it was true, right now her husband is paralyzed, her son is yet to become responsible.

Many wolves are vying for Mr. Jun's position, however, she was incapable to go against them.