Chapter 38: She Is Interesting

Hearing this Jun Yichen finally came out of his stupor, he heard her say,

"Jun Yichen right now we have to investigate the culprit so I will put some sense into you someday later. Follow me"

Jun Yichen nodded, seeing this Chi Ai was finally satisfied.

She patted his head as if an elder praising a child for being obedient and left the room.

Unbeknownst to her, the atmosphere in the room became heavy.

Jun Yichen was silent for a few seconds before he started laughing and touched the spot where Chi Ai patted a soft light flashed past his eyes before he hid it.

'She is interesting'

She was not afraid of the unknown.

She was neither flattering him for his money nor she was acting like a lovestruck fool.

Jun Yichen commanded the manager, "Get information of this young lady. I would like to see who has the guts to criticize me."

The manager hurriedly nodded and thought, 'This lady is doomed.

Even the bodyguards thought so too.

Unknown to them a certain someone was planning how to abduct Chi Ai.

He was happy to discover a treasure however he was wary at the same time, Chi Ai was a diamond she will shine sooner or later.

But before her sparkles could reach to others he will make her his.

One thing was sure she knew martial arts, her medical skills are top-notch, she is beautiful yet cunning at the same time.

'And her aura' Jun Yichen stopped at this point.

'Her aura was imposing and domineering, she is a perfect example of the brain with beauty' he thought to himself.

Thinking about the way she was scolding him, he didn't dare to slack off and followed her, however, a hint of laughter could be seen in his non-smiling face.


Chi Ai on the other hand was confused.

Her behavior was unusual today, she doesn't criticize others easily however today she scolded Jun Yichen to the point even she was uncomfortable.

She was not a noisy person.

As she was wondering about her behaviour, she reached the office.

The two culprits were struggling with all their might to free themselves.

Soon Jun Yichen reached the office.

Compare to his previous stupefied state, currently, he was covered with a dangerous aura.

The culprits shuddered.

Chi Ai came straight to the point, "Why did you be so determined to kill Mrs. Jun. Start with your introduction"

According to her understanding, Jun Yichen would annihilate the entire organization if her mother was harmed.

So they would not harm Mrs. Jun until and unless they are fools.

Even though Jun Yichen is only 21 years old this year, however, his maturity and responsibility were exaggerated.

Jun Yichen is the CEO of Jun Corporation.

Jun Corporation is the top corporation in the country, its product is internationally renowned.

Not only that, it even ranks in the top 10 internationally renowned companies.

There was not a single field in which Jun Corporation didn't have a company or partnership.

This was known to all however yet these culprits tried to harm his mother.

'How strange' She thought.

Jun Yichen was thinking the same.

Seeing Jun Yichen in front of him the fierce man's legs turned weak

The fierce man was the first to speak, "I am Zhao Lin, I didn't have any intention to harm Mrs. Jun."

He paused before saying frightenedly, "Our boss asked us not to mess with Mrs. Jun but she..."

He pointed towards the charming lady and continued, "She was the one who wanted to harm Mrs. Jun."

Zhao Lin was right, while trying to find someone for been hostage, the charming lady was the one that brought Mrs. Jun.

Zhao Lin thought that the woman was an ordinary second-generation rich mistress.

After holding her as a hostage, and knowing her identity, he wanted to escape.

But before he could make a move Chi Ai arrived and he got trapped.

Thinking so he was exasperated, the charming lady knew everything but she didn't inform him.

The charming lady on the other side was calm and collected.

As if she was not afraid of anyone.

Chi Ai turned towards her and raised and eyebrows as if asking her to answer her question.

The charming lady ignored her and stared at Jun Yichen intently.

Jun Yichen coldly watched her and asked, "Are you not going to answer?"

The charming lady said nothing.

Jun Yichen then ordered, "Ye Lao bring her to the torture room."