Chapter 66: Purple Aura

'Indeed this lady is interesting.'

In fact that day, she could have asked for help from any other Young Master but she knows that a human's greedy heart can do anything.

She can't disclose her second identity for the time being.

And her identity as Miao Family's young miss is not enough to deal with her enemy.

That is why she didn't ask for help from others.

Yet Rou Lin's(Chi Ai's) purple aura attracted her more.

Rou Lin's(Chi Ai's) purple aura was the only one that can make her feel secure.

The purple aura was a rare aura among all the auras.

Till now she has only seen it on three people.

The Jun Family, the Yan family, and Capital's third-ranking family.

Miao Han sighed.

Something flashed passed her eyes.

It was quite strange, Rou Lin(Chi Ai) has three destinies.

Something that rarely occurs.

If her powers weren't weak for now, she could have...