Chapter 93: Instinct

"Task Completed, 10 points are rewarded to the host."

Hearing this Chi Ai's eyes widened.

System's voice?

How is it possible?

Her handmade system, how could it be here?

Chi Ai looked around the lift, but only she and Jiang Haitao was the only one present there as the lift was used for chief guests only.

The lift was closing slowly and she saw a figure going past the lift's door.

It was only a glimpse before the lift's door closed.

Chi Ai hurriedly clicked the 1st-floor button.

It was a smart decision, she could stop on the 1st floor and take the stairs to the ground floor.

Jiang Haitao saw this and said, "Ms. Chi what are you doing, meeting is on the 10th floor."

Chi Ai said, "Oh actually I forgot something very important in your car, so I will stop on the 1st floor and go to the ground floor by the stairs."